
Swimming in The Sea of Life

Smoke and ash, shocking wave 

Smiles dashed, concerns grave

Fear shakes a fickle heart

Riding currents, a new start 

Fire extinguished, a faithful tide

Humbled soul, newfound pride

Heavenly angels, sing sweet tunes

Moves heart to fruitful blooms

Feeling not a moment’s strife

Swimming in the sea of life.

Thank you dear friends for being you, “heavenly angels”. This tough turn on the road of my life has been accentuated with beautiful souls offering prayers and well wishes that keep this one afloat. If I never said it before, I say it now, I am blessed and enriched for having encountered all of you in this world. As for the unasked question, I have been in God’s tender mercy so far. No pain, no pity, no sickness from treatments, and magnificent people reminding me that we are all perfection, sculptured by God’s very own hands, blessed with talents and abilities that can only be described as immeasurable! And all of you have embraced your magnificence. Love it!

Be well, stay well,


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3 Responses to Life

  1. epdusty says:

    Thank you for sharing this poem, George. So much expressed, in so few words. It’s a poem that invites a rereading over and over again. Like everyone at writer’s group, I miss your presence.


  2. talebender says:

    A lovely poem, George, so typical of your ever-optimistic approach to life. And a beautiful, hope-filled message that follows it, also so like you.

    We miss you at our gatherings, but in a way, you’re always there!



  3. dolorespreston says:

    So happy to hear from you. You didn’t know me too long


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