Author Archives: normestrin

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.

The Plague

It was a hazy day in the city. Soft, blurry clouds were putting on their brown bottoms to prepare for tonight’s rain. The morning papers spun their fake news, making our mood still darker. My wife and I walked past … Continue reading

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Darkness Brings Light

My eyes opened to a familiar musical sound and complete darkness. Why do I insist on total darkness, with no night lights! Why don’t I put my phone in the same place every night? “Ow! dammit, Shit!” I shouted as … Continue reading

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The Stone-Faced Angel

I worked as a chemist at Clairol in Stamford, Connecticut. It was a low-level job and I fed my boredom by playing practical jokes and trying to synthesize new hair dyes on my own. One day, I was told to … Continue reading

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What I learned at Grandma’s House

[Writer’s caveat: This story is about a fictional President! The story does present political views, but the purpose is purely to advance the story, not to advocate or debate particular views] When I got to be a teen, I learned … Continue reading

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Grandma’s House

Brooklyn was a spider web. Grandma’s house pulled in all my uncles, aunts, and cousins.  At the center, was a two-story house, where my grandmother lived with her mother, and husband. They came to America in the early 1900’s from … Continue reading

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Pelican Pens Project

In the back of our house in Pelican Preserve, interconnecting waterways give us incredible views. Ignoring Mitzi’s worries about the alligators. I sat on a rock near the moving water. I opened my laptop and started writing. Suddenly, there was … Continue reading

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I Was Just kidding!

There is no way to hide it. I might as well tell you now: I was born on April Fools’ Day. Please hold the wise cracks. I heard them all already! My mother, when she was reflecting on her age, revealed … Continue reading

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The Stranger in Her House

“Is this 911? My name is Lisa Jenkins. I am 88 years old and I am calling you to ask for your help. I am very upset and do not know what else to do! Let me explain what happened … Continue reading

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My Sweet Tooth

My Sweet Tooth My parents, my brother and I lived in a small attached house in Brooklyn, New York. My father cared for our tiny garden in the back of the house. It was surrounded with brick sides on three … Continue reading

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Delete Delight

My MacBook Pro crashed right before I left for Pelican Preserve. All the great minds at the Apple store, who call themselves “Geniuses”, could not tell me the cause of the problem and why the only way to fix it … Continue reading

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Norm’s Ending for Judy’s Story

A scream echoed down the empty corridor, ending abruptly.Martin flattened against the wall, trying to become invisible, hoping whoever had caused that terrifying scream would not come his way. A very long minute passed as Martin heard only his own … Continue reading

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The Stranger in Her House

“Is this 911? My name is Lisa Jenkins. I am 88 years old and I am calling you to ask for your help. I am very upset and do not know what else to do! Let me explain what happened … Continue reading

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Norm: It Could Have Been Worse (ICHBW)

  Donald J. Trump Inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2017. ICHBW: Alec Baldwin Elected President.   Ivanka Trump appointed Assistant to the President on March 29, 2017. ICHBW: Omarosa Manigault Newman appointed Assistant to the President. … Continue reading

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A Dark and Stormy Night (From a prompt from Marc Sacher)

This was truly a “dark and stormy” night. I was sitting on her couch, shivering in my wet clothes. She was in the kitchen, after offering, “a surprise for me”. It was then that I thought that I heard scratching … Continue reading

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Unfinished Story Posted on February 8, 2018 by santeach She nervously paced the hallway, eyes flitting in all directions as she drew in deep breaths, trying to settle wrangled nerves.  With shaky hands she rummaged through her purse for a cigarette, dismissing … Continue reading

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Choices Can Kill – (A Work in Progress, Feb. 12, 2018)

  Retta Riordan’s Rising Star Retta Riordan considered herself one of the lucky ones. She was popular in her Hoboken public school and was selected to give the valedictory address at her high school graduation. Her inspirational challenge to the … Continue reading

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Finishing Teresa’s Story

A story beginning… Posted on February 5, 2018 by Teresa Kaye As she drove, she realized that I75 wasn’t very busy. As dusk approached, she turned on her lights and at the same time, a downpour began. “Note to self: I really … Continue reading

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Choices Can Kill

Chapter 1 Meeting the President Chapter 2 The plot Chapter 3 The Debriefing Chapter 4 Who Done It? Chapter 5 – Republican Revenge Chapter 6 – The Sheikh’s Shake-Up Sheikh al-Thani read and re-read Retta’s notes of his proposed action … Continue reading

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Radio, TV, and Books

In 1950, I was 11 years old and busy trading comic books and reading stuff from my father’s library. He was an antique dealer and frequently brought home books and beautiful works of art to display in our small 2 … Continue reading

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Celebrating Life

Time flies like an arrow; years flow by like a flaming candle You were a once a cute young kid; now a once-married man You were once a young boy with mischief in your eyes Now you’re a white bearded … Continue reading

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Rainbows for Melissa’ Birthday

Each of our lives on Earth is a rainbow so high in the sky, Beautiful yet ephemeral, rarely seen, but I know not why. Some are small, just bursts of dazzling color through the mist; Others form graceful arcs, lined … Continue reading

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I first met Jerry Goldsmith soon after joining The Health Industry Manufacturers Association, in 1985, as Vice President of Science & Technology. He had a serious look about him and we had many conversations about the crises, politics, and directions … Continue reading

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Scott’s Suicide

Spring afternoon Floating anxiety Can’t think! Overwhelming emptiness No hope Scattered thinking Must concentrate Call home last time Loving wife, twins, family Should be happy Can’t help it Can’t think Can’t function Life so empty Why? Illness Mental illness There … Continue reading

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“A 100% True Story” Revisited

I did report the “life-changing” sighting of a UFO on 06/29/2017, both by telephone and email. I was told that there were quite a number of similar reports and they would be investigated. This apparently was not a true UFO … Continue reading

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A 100 percent True Story

It was June 29, 2017 at about 4:20 am. I had just gotten up because I was sweating from the thermostat in my rented apartment that could not hold the set temperature. I looked out of the fifth floor window … Continue reading

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Retta Riordan

Pelican Pens: I have re-written, what is now called “Retta Riordan” (Formerly, Choices Can Kill”) and added a second chapter. Who knows, could it become a book? Thanks for your comments and hopes for more. It was your comments that … Continue reading

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Choices Can Kill

Retta Riordan considered herself one of the lucky ones. She glided through a Ph.D., in political science, at Harvard, and was proficient in several languages. Her shyness was masked by her friendly smile; long dark red hair that glistened with … Continue reading

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Only an idiot would not understand that I would fire him if he did not follow my orders. I told him three different ways, on three separate times and, yet, he still gave no indication that he would comply. That’s … Continue reading

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Proposed end to George’s “Prey” Prose

It all happened in an instant. She ran down the alley, away from her lover, jumping over the debris. As the officer raised his weapon, the kid dove into his stomach. A shot rang out and she dropped silently into … Continue reading

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My Spiritual Quest for Meaning

Mitzi and I finally decided that it was time to sell our house and move into a condominium in Leisure World in Maryland. Preparing for the move was an arduous task. We had to move three floors of accumulated stuff … Continue reading

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Crappy Condo Catastrophe

Two months of wretched work and what do you get Tired, aching bodies and goals we almost met One house almost empty and ready to be sold A delightfully decorated condo, if truth be told Your birthday is about to … Continue reading

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Time-Posts – An Ethical Will

This is my Ethical will, to be passed on to you and all future generations. As I grew up, I learned the lessons of life from my family, friends, teachers, books, newspapers, television, and movies. Some of the things that … Continue reading

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The Last Class

Retired Rabbi Reuben Levine showed up at Torah Class by complete surprise. I rushed up to him and his family, expressing delight that he was finally back in class. His son tried to stop me with panicked gestures. As our … Continue reading

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Fleeting Footprints in the Sand 

Walking so very slowly on the soft, damp sand, feeling its graininess gently, giving way, as I forge firm new footprints by the frothy surf, on this early, sunny Florida Friday morning.   I behold all the beach’s other Footprints … Continue reading

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First Impressions of Mitzi (2 old poems)

Love I have gazed upon pictures of Eagle Nebula, with its young star Still embedded in its nursery of gas and dust, and filled with wonder about our origins. I have visited ancient ruins, searching for answers to questions about … Continue reading

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Paradise Revisited

Immediately, after receiving our writing assignment at the last session of Pelican pens, I was walking toward the tennis courts, when a stranger walked past me. As he walked by, with a broad smile on his face and a loud … Continue reading

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Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Oh, miserable mirror, reveal who resides behind this shadowy visage that I see before me! Crack open the cavernous complexity of the concealed cloaks enshrouding my existence! I first see the mirror’s first reflections, which … Continue reading

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February Feelings

 Feelings of love for you are very deep Excited with you, awake or asleep Beaming with passion, to bed I do leap Raring to kiss you with a love we’ll keep Unafraid to disturb the neighbor’s sleep A touch, hug, … Continue reading

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Failing Feeble Farms Every Endeavor Elusive Bringing Blighted Bushes Ruining Rushing Rivers Unless Unlimited Endeavors Ably Applied Additionally Rapidly Restoring Resources Year-round Yummy Yields ® Norman F. Estrin, February, February 14, 2017

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Knowing Abe

Knowing Abe I met Abe Lincoln when I was at Florida State University in 1964. I was supposed to be studying chemistry, but, instead, was searching the archives for a picture of Abe Lincoln. To my surprise, I found, what … Continue reading

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Three More Haikus

Windy day today Waves wack, wash, and splatter rocks Convulsing the shore   I don’t see just clouds Faces morphing with the wind A free show daily!   I chat with flowers, Whisper to lizards and birds, Listen to my … Continue reading

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Three Limericks

A President-Elect who likes to twitter You shock the world with tweets so very bitter Insulting all those who disagree Please stop those tweets and hear our plea Or else we will get you a babysitter   I like going … Continue reading

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To hold your hand or caress your cheek To look at your lovely lips when you speak    To watch you walk with such a feminine flair To hunt for a gray one in your still brown hair   To … Continue reading

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2017 Resolutions

Whereas, I, Norman F. Estrin, am: Increasingly bored with work; Sure that 52 years is enough work for a lifetime: Satisfied, that I can provide our for future needs; Happy to have met wonderful, supportive people, at Pelican Preserve; Excited to … Continue reading

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It is not for nothing that this season is forever called fall.

(For my daughter, Melissa, on her Birthday). It is not for nothing that this season is forever called fall. Leaves, of all shapes, sizes, and hues, fluttered aimlessly to the ground, While the odds of a sane candidate winning the … Continue reading

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Loving my Brain

I really Love my brain. It is always thinking! It is my creative spirit. It gives me the: emotions that gave me the ability to love, and find connections with others images of subjects to sculpt, paint, or draw words … Continue reading

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The powerful, pewter, curling clouds ambushed the bright blue day, freely falling from frighteningly high, clashing clouds. Their sparkling, shocking lightening, lighted their slimy grey tentacles, while sending a deluge of dreary, dripping drops of rain to pound the pavement. The towering trees, … Continue reading

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Career Planning Time!

Career Planning Time! College commencement is coming quickly! After breezing through high school and, basically, completing college, I am in a stark state of pure panic. I have given not a thought to what fantastic future follows next! The present … Continue reading

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Letter to the Editor: Enough is Enough!

  Civility is disappearing in our society. I seldom see emails saying “Dear Norm”, or hear “Thank you” or “best regards” at the end of an email. My son never says “hello”, or       “goodbye” on the telephone, so he can … Continue reading

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  It’s no work for the weak but you have a fine will to fight. The tough treatment, doctors delivered, you agreed was right   After cruel chemo and radiation comes healing, and hope With side effects of treatments, you … Continue reading

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It is Wednesday July 6, 2016 and Wimbledon 17 grand slam title-holder, Roger Federer will have his day as he reaches his 40th grand slam semi final. Some say that the 34-year old Swiss slam winner still has what it … Continue reading

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(This song is sung to Johnny Cash’s song, “Busted”   The system is nuts with no ifs, ands, or buts I’m just disgusted Congress does nothing but take cash from donors Yes, I’m Disgusted   The House is a site … Continue reading

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In a Zugzwang Never More

 It was a gloomy, threatening sky this late evening. I could hear the feeble sound of thunder, in the distance, and occasional wanton flashes, from distant lightning. I inhaled the pungent, metallic smell of ozone and xenon, from the recent … Continue reading

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Walk with Me in the Gardens of our Lives

Walk with Me in the Gardens of our Lives Walk with me and hold my hand, as we become one with the gardens of our lives We planted these gardens ages ago, trying to make a miracle on the massive, … Continue reading

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White Water Wisdom

  White Water Wisdom   Finally, fifty-five fun and loving years filled with Mitzi, my wife, and my fantastic family! We had a holiday with youthful you and our gregarious, courageous, gorgeous grand-daughters. We willingly went, white water rafting, with … Continue reading

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Tapestry of Life – HAIKU Dream

    Tapestry of Life It is a work in progress We each add a thread   Some add a long thread Some threads can be very short Each has its meaning   Fancy or plain ones No matter the … Continue reading

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John F. Kennedy Man of wisdom and courage How we all miss you! (written in 1963)   Sweltering heat comes Birds play and sip at fountain I’ll stay home today!   I cut down big tree Weeds now take over … Continue reading

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I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe

I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe Fear not my human benefactor and friend, I know that You are not perfect by any means, but you are all I got! Remember that we set up this arrangement by … Continue reading

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Warm Wishes and Cold Caps

Warm Wishes and Cold Caps I am not good at remembering favors, firstly because a friend’s request for help is not asking for a favor. It must be done out of good will rather than being cajoled to do it … Continue reading

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My Red Wagon

My Red Wagon It is a sunny, smiley morning with a bright blue sky and wisps of baby white clouds playing with each other and having fun! It is lucky to have, in Brooklyn, a small park across the street, … Continue reading

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VOTE FOR ME! This is my last speech before the election. It is a crucial time for our country because you have in your power to decide how your government will best represent you, in meeting your needs in the … Continue reading

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Young Love

Young love – A true story of a happy time that still continues My world opened up in Brooklyn as the clock hands tottered towards the 1960’s. I was already a college student at 16½ after flying through high school … Continue reading

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Prank –  Pangs of Penitence

I attended graduate school at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. I did not want to go back to school and my wife, against my will, sent the letter to FSU that got me a Fellowship there. So, there I … Continue reading

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Prose Assignment – Dearest Mom

April 5, 2016 Dearest Mom, It is hard to believe that it has been 29 years since we have corresponded! Of course, I think about you a lot and treasure you, as if you were still here. I hoped to … Continue reading

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God’s Creation – a Parable

God’s Creation – a Parable God created all that is in the universe and universes within universes. This experiment is metamorphosizing to this very day. God needed help in controlling his creation and experimented with various approaches to find a … Continue reading

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Ode to Hale-Bopp

Ode to Hale-Bopp   Surprise solitary sojourner Silently stealing across the evening sky A pilgrim from primordial space   Oh, white tailed serpent What tales do you have to tell? Why not stay a while and talk to me?   … Continue reading

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Deep Rivers of Time

 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Deep Rivers of Time   Deep rivers of time swirling swiftly though our lives Carrying us through churning, uncharted seas Eroding our health, our looks, our minds While we rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic … Continue reading

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  Stardust   “We are all made from stardust: Every element, rock, animal, plant, fungus, bacterium, virus, and us. Everything. Stardust is born from the explosion of stars that run out of fuel. The sun dies, shooting seeds of life across the universe. It is part … Continue reading

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Psalm 5762

Psalm 5762   God, You have created a universe, infinite, complex and beyond our understanding May we, made from this sea of matter, energy and space, recognize our closeness to You   God, You have created galaxies, stars and planets … Continue reading

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