Author Archives: marcsacher

Travels with Family – Part 2, The Canadian Provinces Trip

One summer, we piled into the car for a week’s “adventure” vacation. We took the long drive from Hartford, CT to Bar Harbor, ME (which continues to this day to be pronounced – and parodied – in the local dialect … Continue reading

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The search for CHST

The milestone year 2320 was abuzz with theories following the archaeological discovery of an ancient scrap of electronic communication. Long since thought to have been deleted by its author, this tiny encoded bit of email text had been uncovered by … Continue reading

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The Pandemic Hall of Fame Award Goes To…

As Americans, we’re no stranger to innovation. And none is more evident in our country than in times of war, social upheaval and national health crises. So it’s not surprising that the Corona virus of 2020 inspired Wilfred Paley Wilfenagle … Continue reading

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Brief Celebrity Encounter

Over the past 70+ years, I’ve had brief celebrity encounters with a number of pretty famous people. And I’m sure that I’ve forgotten some less memorable ones. Here’s a short list, in no particular order: Ben Vereen Joe Namath Marvin … Continue reading

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Travels with Family – Part 1, The Early Days

Thinking back to my childhood days, I know my grandfather and father had those rounded style cars of the late forties and early fifties. But my clearest memory from childhood is of our 1956, two-tone gray DeSoto Fireflite. It was … Continue reading

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Ocean, Ocean, shining bright, Rocked to and fro by moonlight, An eternal ebb and flow. Born of primordial soup, A cosmic stew that cooked, Then simmered as a salty sea. Ocean, Ocean, birthing life, Cell by cell; coral and gills, … Continue reading

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Suky’s Tale

Suky Tawdry was but a passing reference in a familiar lyric of the ’60s, and from a lesser known reference in the Three Penny Opera of the 1920’s. But few know her real story. Suky was born out of wedlock … Continue reading

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Woodstock Memories

My attendance at Woodstock in 1969 was quite accidental. A grad-school classmate at the University of Hartford had two $20 tickets to a three-day weekend concert in Bethel, New York, and he offered to drive. With no plans for the … Continue reading

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  Woodstock air Haze of Hardin Blur of Heat and Hendrix Shriek of stringed guitars Storm of crowds Fences down Night calmed by rain and Baez Songs of protest adored by peaceniks Mud Shared shelter of plastic and weed (“Here’s … Continue reading

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The House on Thomaston Street

From birth until age nine, “home” was a two-family house at 81 Thomaston Street in Hartford, Connecticut. On rare occasions, I have the opportunity to drive by my old neighborhood and that address. One look at my old house brings … Continue reading

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“I Wanna Hold Your Hand”

Holding hands takes many forms, meanings and memories throughout our lives. In infancy, it begins as our five tiny fingers wrap around a parent’s single finger – a touch that launches one of life’s most meaningful connections. Within a year’s … Continue reading

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How Cold Was It?

As a New Englander, born and raised in Connecticut, I was used to cold and snowy winters. So the thought of applying to the University of Vermont, two states to the north, was of little concern weather-wise. In my junior … Continue reading

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Chapter 3

…Zachariah ripped the door open… He was fully prepared to meet the devil himself. It wasn’t the first time. In that moment, his mind flashed back to several weeks ago when he was hunting in the woods. He had been … Continue reading

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Don’t Stop

Don’t stop… Welcoming sunrises, Singing in the shower, Smiling at strangers, Stretching – physically and mentally, Loving, learning and laughing. Don’t stop… Relaxing to the sound of ocean waves, Hearing the rain tapping on your roof, Jumping in an occasional … Continue reading

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To Cindy, Snoopy was a constant companion whom she considered a member of the family. He ate at every meal with her; they watched TV together; and his soft, cottony “fur” snuggled with her in bed at night. With Snoopy … Continue reading

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A Stranger No Longer

I eagerly boarded an El Al flight for my first international trip, which would take me to Israel and Greece for several weeks. After a 10-hour direct flight, I was to be met in Israel by a cousin who had … Continue reading

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Terror at Three A.M.

Jolted upright from a sound sleep as if tasered, I reached for the bedside phone. My mind raced in all directions; none of them good ones. Mom had a heart attack. Dad had a stroke. Our son was lost under … Continue reading

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The Three A.M. Surprise

My wife had an 8:30 A.M, appointment to be induced and deliver our son. She was already in the hospital, so all I had to do was to meet her there. Practical me, I loved the idea of setting a … Continue reading

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The 100 Word Essay (including title)

  Jerry groused all the way home. He was on a roll with no homework assigned over the holiday weekend. That is, until his last period – English class. Mrs. McMurphy assigned a 100-word essay. The whole class moaned. “Now … Continue reading

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Three Firsts in L.A.

The mid-1970”s marked my first visit to Los Angeles to see my best friend, Paul. There I experienced a number of firsts in my life. Three of them stand out. I remember my first “lesson” was how to safely walk … Continue reading

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A Hero in My Life

Bypassing the most obvious heroes in my life – Mom and Dad chief among them – I’ve always looked up to my best friend, Paul. Our friendship dates back to high school, some 55 years ago. We had similar interests, … Continue reading

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The 100 Word Essay (including title)

Jerry groused all the way home. He was on a roll with no homework assigned over the holiday weekend. That is, until his last period – English class. Mrs. McMurphy assigned a 100-word essay. The whole class moaned. “Now class, … Continue reading

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Rollerskating Then and Now

At an early age, I had confidently mastered walking, running and skipping. Then it was on to an occasional series of one-legged hops and spins mandated when encountering one of several hopscotch grids that were neatly etched on the chalked … Continue reading

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Water, Water, Everywhere?

It started subtly enough at first. The famed Fontainbleu Hotel on Miami Beach still stood proudly, 64 years after it began its prominence on Collins Avenue. But the ocean waves were quietly lapping over the cream-white sand, ever closer to … Continue reading

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Button Candy Memories

It was an excited half-skip, half-walk past neighboring blocks of two-family houses that stretched across Blue Hills Avenue. Yet it seemed a long journey to me, a six-year-old boy, as I tagged along after my older sister, Ray, and her … Continue reading

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This Aint No Dress Rehearsal!

“This aint no dress rehearsal!” At least that’s the gist of our drill sergeant’s message to a dozen or so trainees starting Army basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana, in 1968. As a reservist who would head home in less … Continue reading

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Thomaston Street – No Place Like (my first) Home

When I recall my first home in Hartford, Connecticut, fond memories come to mind in a flood of sights, smells and sounds of more innocent times. I lived on the first floor of a two-family, wood-shingled house from my birth … Continue reading

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Pelican Preserve as Paradise

Bright sunrises announce each day’s warm beginnings. Blue skies enhance serene water views and swaying palm trees. Teaming with wildlife, nature surrounds us, Blessing heaven and earth with rebirth and renewal. So many choices to energize the body and mind. … Continue reading

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Recalling the First Interactive TV program

When I think back on my early TV expeiences, I have fond memories of black and white westerns – Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger, The Cisco Kid and Hopalong Cassidy were among my favorites. But what is most remarkable to … Continue reading

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Sandy’s Story Continued…

Sandy’s Story Begins She nervously paced the hallway, eyes flitting in all directions as she drew in deep breaths, trying to settle wrangled nerves.  With shaky hands she rummaged through her purse for a cigarette, dismissing the “No Smoking” sign.  … Continue reading

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An Object of His Desire (or Dance Macabre

A warm, gentle hand reached out to me. Fingers caressed my middle. Together we swayed back and forth, cutting a pattern below…slowly rising up, then down, as if undulating and swirling to a Viennese Waltz. Then a tighter grip and … Continue reading

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Story Starter: Her Story

As she drove, she realized that I75 wasn’t very busy. As dusk approached, she turned on her lights and at the same time, a downpour began. “Note to self: I really need to get new wipers! I hate driving in … Continue reading

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My Story Start…The Visitor

It truly was a “dark and stormy” night. Sitting alone at my typewriter (I much prefer the old-school clacking of the keys as they snap at the paper), I smiled to myself at the cliché. A warm fireplace helped me … Continue reading

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A Profound Experience: Melanie

  At first, we were on a very long waiting list. The odds were greatly against us. Then suddenly there was an unexpected phone call, asking us to fill out additional paperwork and prepare for a home visit. A flurry … Continue reading

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My Mentor

A tall, slender figure whose commanding voice (think James Earl Jones) and piercing eyes drew my attention like a magnet to absorb every word. Despite the deep, confident tones, there was a warmth, highlighted by a raspy, infectious laugh – … Continue reading

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Sandy’s Story Continued… She was ushered into a bare-walled room with pale green walls, one metal table, bolted to the floor, and two industrial style chairs, one on each side of the table. “Please take a seat,” said the detective. … Continue reading

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Story Starter

It truly was a “dark and stormy” night. Sitting alone at my typewriter (I much prefer the old-school clacking of the keys as they snap at the paper), I smiled to myself at the cliché. A warm fireplace relaxed me, … Continue reading

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The Old Woman

For years, the original artwork hung in our family’s home. It was a profile of an old woman, deep in thought. An oil on canvas painting, she was the subject of much curiosity and discussion. As children, we didn’t like … Continue reading

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No Man is an Island

Posting the previous week’s assignment: It could well have been a tragic scene out of a Hollywood movie. Unfortunately, it was quite real, and I was cast in the unexpected role of a lifetime. The year was 1968. Too many … Continue reading

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Basic Training – A First Impression

John Spain, a hulking six-foot-three, 250 pound Texan, stopped in his tracks, lifted his entrenching tool high in the air, and smashed it down repeatedly into the muddy grass. The young men, who were lined up single file behind him, … Continue reading

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Pelican Preserve as Paradise

Bright sunrises announce each day’s warm beginnings. Blue skies enhance serene water views and swaying palm trees. Teaming with wildlife, nature surrounds us, Blessing heaven and earth with rebirth and renewal. So many choices to energize the body and mind. … Continue reading

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Paradise Considered

Paradise Considered Like love or beauty, “paradise” is in the eye of the beholder. Belief in an ideal state favors those who see the proverbial “glass” as half (or more) full. Those optimists will accept elements as examples of – … Continue reading

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Mirror Mirror

MIRROR MIRROR Looking back at me, What do you see? How do you feel? Are both of us real? Reflection or rejection, Is that your question? Does it show on my face: Fear, pain or disgrace? Can’t see inside, So … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Famous Abes

In America, Abraham Lincoln invariably tops the list of well-known people named “Abe.” But there are over 100 famous Abes beyond our 16th president. These range from baseball players (ex., Abraham Almente) and boxers (Abrahams Attelli, Jacob and Goldstein) to … Continue reading

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Pelican Pens — Inspirations

Haikus (Variation 1) Look to azure skies For inspirational heights Or take flight yourself (Variation 2) Look to azure skies For inspirational flights Or soar on your own Limerick There was a pelican from Preserve That possessed a deceiving serve. … Continue reading

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