Author Archives: leeroc2


In a few minutes the single overhead lightbulb will be off. As I lie here I watch the fly darting about the light. The orbit varies with each pass as he flies close but never collides. What prompts this nightly … Continue reading

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Websters’ Newest Word: fotf

It spread like wildfire. Nobody could describe the despair which had developed throughout the world. People were tired of hatred, wars, poverty, floods, disease and tofu. A single word was needed to describe their plight. A contest was held and … Continue reading

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Bad Day

The news has been terrible this week. Who can sleep? You can’t get away from it. Breaking news is never good news. The president is either God’s Gift or the Devil’s Child. Don’t even think about being in the middle. … Continue reading

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God’s Gift

Frozen treats are God’s gift. Is chocolate almond chip ice cream better than sex? Perhaps. There certainly is foreplay. She sits at the rear of the shelf behind the frozen peas, coquettishly inviting me to seek her out. I stare … Continue reading

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It was Release Day. Everyone had lined up for days to be the first to get a copy. “I AM” was hailed by the critics as the greatest piece of writing ever. Yet nothing at all was revealed. No spoilers. … Continue reading

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Five Is Your Lucky Number

I know it’s crazy but I actually read the fortunes in those delicious cookies. I take home half the meal but I just can’t resist cracking open the fortune cookie right away to see what the message will be. It’s … Continue reading

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Thor- the Epilogue

The debate was intense and long, as it should be for such weighty matters. The cups, crumpled napkins and bagel pieces were scattered among stacks of reports and graphs. The group was faced with a difficult decision- end their little … Continue reading

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Thor Invents the Retirement Community

Thor has led a busy and productive life. As he approached the ripe old age of 35 he gave some thought as to how he would like to get the most out of his Golden Years. Primitive man, you may … Continue reading

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Thor Invents Philosophy

Thanks to the Thor Empire mankind was no longer living in eternal fear of starvation. Thor and More was serving up barbecued deer to the hungry masses. People now were freed from endless hunting and foraging. With time on their … Continue reading

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Thor Invents Education

In the early days, education was limited. Primitive man had learned a few rules such as never pat a mammoth baby and stay out of a thunderstorm. Some still chose to ignore these teachings. Life span was short back then. … Continue reading

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Thor Invents Art

Fueled by the rapid expansion of the “Thor and More” barbecue franchise, the Thor financial empire grew exponentially. Capitalism worked pretty well. Thor also continued to experiment with flight, partly to increase his growing wealth and partly just for the … Continue reading

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Thor Discovers Capitalism

The Thor and More barbecue joints became quite a success. People loved the idea of not having to run around the forest and plains throwing rocks and spears at the deer for lunch. Actually, they generally skipped lunch since it … Continue reading

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The Story of Thor

  He was the odd one. While everyone was throwing rocks at the giant deer, he watched as the rocks rolled by when they missed the target. While everyone was tearing at the flesh and eating chunks of the deer, … Continue reading

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Trouble in the Arctic

CNN has a reporter in Arctic Russia. It appears that due to extreme heat and drought much of northern Russia is on fire- the area is half the size of the continental USA. Smoke from this three month long blaze … Continue reading

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The Escape Room

Dressed in his uniform, White Coat walks with confidence, carrying his clip board. I’ll pretend to be friendly and grateful to see him. He likes that. The rest of us have also got his number. There’s no point in resistance. … Continue reading

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The Signs Were There

It was a grueling seven hour drive, bumper to bumper at the end. At last we pulled into the Residence. I reminded myself, in spite of the name, I wasn’t moving here. One night only.   The front door resisted … Continue reading

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Rats and Tails: A Working Title

  Can we talk? Let’s be honest. It’s hard to get your attention. I’m not blaming you- we are bombarded with more information than our brains can handle. To add to the problem there are thousands of articles and books … Continue reading

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Fixing the Health Care System

                           There appears to be a growing shortage of primary care providers in this country. There are two major reasons for this sad state. First, Mega Hospital is taking over virtually all practices. These profit driven centers are skimming off … Continue reading

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The Problem of Too Much Knowledge

It all started with an earthquake. I watched as CNN showed massive three foot waves rocking about a swimming pool as the water rushed from side to side frantically looking for a way out. The probability of a larger quake … Continue reading

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Time Flies, Usually

It was 12:03 by my watch. I guess it was slow because my smart phone said it was 12:04. The clock on the wall said it was 12:06. The clock on the microwave said it was 12:05. The right hand … Continue reading

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Hello, Seven Year Old Me

I’m writing to you, my younger self, at the suggestion of my writers’ group. I haven’t gotten in contact with you in 66 years. I’m sorry, but I’ve been pretty busy. You know how it is. Well, maybe you don’t … Continue reading

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Three Little Words

It was a whirlwind romance- the kind you see in old Hollywood movies. I glanced down the counter at the diner to see an angel. A smile and a slight awkward nod from a tanned pretty face framed by flowing … Continue reading

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World Peace and Prosperity

The news was always great on PNN, Positivity News Network, formerly Fox News. Life is truly great. You could enjoy your breakfast on your spacious Amazon Rainforest deck nibbling fresh pineapple flown in from Costa Rica and guava from El … Continue reading

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The Mystery Man

I always picked this time. The bus is quiet. It beats the hassle of driving and parking. I can relax and read the Wall Street Journal and check the latest Bloomberg reports on my smart phone before I hit the … Continue reading

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The Story of Mary

I awoke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and the sounds of sizzling bacon. Mary’s angelic singing brought me to heaven’s gate.   I strolled into our spacious kitchen to find Mary offering a steaming cup of coffee- hazelnut … Continue reading

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Mall Time

  My car pulled into my assigned spot, grateful for the upgrade. It’s nice to know you have a spot reserved, especially on busy shopping days. I had just finished my granola bar and word jumble puzzle when the car … Continue reading

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The Famous Forty

Greg pushed the cart slowly along the floor. The cart was full of small transport cages containing 40 now famous white rats. These rats looked pretty much identical in their pure whiteness and deep red, slightly protruding eyes, long leathery rope … Continue reading

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Scam Artist

In a shaky, broken voice the young lady on the phone pleaded, “Please don’t hang up. I’ve had a terrible day. I’m in a real pickle. I just got into a car accident and it was my fault. I filled … Continue reading

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Senior Super Hero

Since we seniors are a fast growing segment of the population, it’s time Hollywood stepped up and gave us super heroes we can relate to as we slowly lose our functions and our body parts. We need a super hero … Continue reading

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What Was That Noise?

Chapter 1   I don’t know why I do it, but I always do. The first think I do when awakened abruptly is to check the clock. Somehow knowing what time it is provides a tiny measure of reassurance. At … Continue reading

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Love Songs

Let’s go to the hop, oh baby, Let’s go to the hop Don’t worry baby, Everything will be alright   I want to hold your hand, oh baby, I want to hold your hand So kiss me and smile for … Continue reading

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A Sign

The clouds were growing darker. I noticed the leaves coming to life, rising, turning and twisting trying to break free. Some succeeded and flew across the road before me rushing to some unknown destination.   I tried to concentrate on … Continue reading

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Artistic Treasure

There it sat, staring sadly into my eyes. It has been consigned to solitary confinement in a box in the basement for at least six years. I tried to give it a good home, but my wife said it didn’t … Continue reading

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Three A.M.

It was annoying. The phone rang at 3:00 AM last night but it stopped after three rings. Probably a drunk calling for a cab at closing. The rest of the day was uneventful. The usual workday- data collection, risk assessment … Continue reading

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Therapy Watch

It’s time for therapy to re-invent itself. It’s been quite some time since patients reclined on sofas and related their sexual fantasies about their parents. Although there’s nothing wrong with that and it can be a source of entertainment at … Continue reading

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The Butler Did It: a screenplay

Scene 1: The setting is a posh Victorian living room with the massive bookcase, desk, sofas oriental rugs and a dead body lying in a pool of blood near the doorway. The detective stoops over the body with eyes scanning … Continue reading

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First Things First

A mob scene prevailed, although there was no violence. Everyone was just tightly packed together, uniform in appearance and mission. However There is a tension hovering in the air anticipating the Big One coming soon. The mass of participants, thousands … Continue reading

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A Cautionary Tale

I’ll never be tall, muscular, handsome, super bright, clever or charming. We’ll leave that to the movie stars. Of course, most of these movie stars are several times divorced, alcohol and drug addicted and depressed. Maybe average isn’t so bad. … Continue reading

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The real pleasure was not the challenge, it was the danger. I felt like an international spy as I lightly tapped the shoulder of my partner in crime. A hand reached slowly behind his back as I slipped the folded … Continue reading

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Clock Mystery

  The hands on our town clock have disappeared. A higher power is telling us we are living on borrowed time. This may account for the rapid rise in fitness programs, clubs and activities.   Holding off Mother Time we … Continue reading

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Memory Mystery

  The defect was a mystery. Doctors have run all the tests- blood tests, numerous x-rays and an MRI. All negative, except for that MRI which showed “normal atrophy for age”. Now, I like the word “normal” but the “atrophy” … Continue reading

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Breaking News: Santa Retires

December 24th, 6:02 pm EST   We interrupt this program with breaking news. Santa Claus has announced that he will retire at 6:00 AM EST tomorrow morning after his final run this evening. He states as his reason for retirement … Continue reading

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Black and White Hero

There I sit in black and white. Cowboy hat and six guns hang at my side. Sitting on my first bike, I am leaning to my left in a jaunty pose, braced by my left leg firmly planted. I am … Continue reading

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The Gift

I entered the sea of humanity on my mission to purchase a large picnic basket for an event the next day. It was on a Sunday, the most dreaded day to shop at this mega store.   My eyes scanned the … Continue reading

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Mankind’s Greatest Invention

Thor pondered for a few minutes. He warmed himself by the fire. He grunted and pointed to the rabbit stretched out on the stick as it lay balanced above the fire supported by two stacks of rocks on either side … Continue reading

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Free Will

  Decisions have been hard for me. Should I choose “A” or “B”? What unconscious forces are pushing me? Some say everything is pre-ordained. Others say everything is accidental and random. So here I stand, trying to make a simple … Continue reading

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Ten Seconds to Infamy

It was only a brief moment. I had it set up perfectly. I successfully changed my email address and I found my password.  There it was, my last writing for the Pelican Pens writing blog.  I pondered the wonders of … Continue reading

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Hey Google, What Year Is It?

                            At first I was thrilled. Who wouldn’t want to get 10 years back? I woke up and it was the spring of 2008. I wondered if this was just a dream.  If it is, it’s a really long one.  … Continue reading

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Hey Google, What Year Is It?

At first I was thrilled. Who wouldn’t want to get 10 years back? I woke up and it was the spring of 2008. I wondered if this was just a dream.  If it is, it’s a really long one.  I’ve … Continue reading

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Unwanted Mail

I have a question for you. What do a pen and pad, a topographical map with no familiar names or locations, a small teddy bear, a three inch square mirror, and a compass have in common? Don’t know? Neither do … Continue reading

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The Red Door

I’m finally going to ask the question. It was the usual time- 2:00 PM on Saturday. I knocked on the red door and counted down from 30. At exactly 30, the door slowly swung back. Mary smiled her usual greeting … Continue reading

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Hello, Cantaloupe!

I’m puzzled. Are you talking to me? The woman is engaged in fairly loud chatter as she holds the cantaloupe gently in her hand. Her words are inaudible from this distance but there is a tone of seriousness. I decide … Continue reading

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A New Convention

Casually I lifted the pistol from my lap and fired a single round over the head of my partner sitting opposite me. My partner calmly announced “Alert” in a quiet tone. Our opponents were apparently unaware of this new convention. … Continue reading

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Life and Death in the Stairwell

                         Life and Death in the Stairwell   As I survey the narrow, steep stairway, I console myself with the thought that it’s better than living in the street.   Close inspection of these ancient stairs reveals their troubled life. … Continue reading

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Eat Right

Today we tend to watch calorie and fat intake in our diet. This can be daunting when we are faced with 100,000 square feet of a 120,000 square foot supermarket devoted to sugar, fat and artificial ingredients unpronounceable to all … Continue reading

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Fine Dining in the Future

Innovation in fine dining is reaching its climax in the emergence of the newest Michelin star chef- Poul Ziska (New Yorker, “Meal Ticket”, June 18th, 2018) who has opened a restaurant in a small cabin literally in the middle of … Continue reading

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Sweat and Dead Squirrel

Like most things in life, the unexpected often leads to deep thought and profound insights. So it was on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The skies were crystal clear cobalt blue. A gentle breeze massaged by face and spirits as I … Continue reading

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In Praise of Fathers

Give me an F Give me an A Give me a T Give me an H Give me an E Give me an R What’s that spell? HE FARTS!    

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The Evolution of Man

  Malt Dizzy World presents a thrilling new adventure for children and adults. Children must be at least 3 feet tall in order to reach the candy counter and gift shop shelves. Otherwise, all are welcome!   The Age of … Continue reading

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My Mind Wanders

My mind wanders to the warnings given at breakneck speed by a charming voice. Puppies play in a field of daisies, ignoring these dire warnings. I don’t know what puppies have to do with my condition. Maybe dogs get it … Continue reading

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Run For It

A bead of sweat popped out of a pore above my left eye.  It slowly wandered down my forehead looking for a landing place.  My eyebrow blocked its path but its work was done.  I was in a high alert … Continue reading

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Home Sweet Home

This looks familiar. It’s been a while since I’ve been in this neighborhood.  I’ve travelled hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles in recent years seeking a better world.  Something is drawing me back.   There she is. Mom is looking a … Continue reading

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Musing About Muses

The assignment generated a bit of anxiety. Write about your muse, the guiding light in your life.  Hmm.  I’m torn by many characters throughout this sojourn.  So, dear Reader, bear with me while I take you on that journey.  Feel … Continue reading

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Here She Comes Again

Here she comes. Like clockwork.  She is the kindest person I know.  OK, I don’t know many people, but she’s right up there, I’m sure.  We visit about the same time every day.  I think I am her closest confidant.  … Continue reading

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How Could They Do This!

He walked reluctantly down the corridor, having been just dropped off by his parents with a cheery, “Have a good time, we’ll pick you up”. His parents had no idea what was ahead.   Rick’s feet seemed to want to … Continue reading

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What Do I Do Now?

Lois got up slowly. Her aging body struggled to hoist her.  Yet she couldn’t show any signs of frailty or helplessness.  She knew she shouldn’t allow strangers into her home, but the weather was horrid and Fred seemed to be … Continue reading

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Memoriam For Pat

His frailness, stooped shoulders, hesitating gate, wrinkled visage, and teeth that refused to organize themselves belied his sturdy stock. Pat was the defender of nature, particularly ferns.   Our little troop trudged along behind him. Pat was oblivious to the … Continue reading

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I know, that’s a strange title, but bear with me. First, there’s only so much room for a title.  If it runs more than a few words, the reader can get bored and confused.  Second, titles should be interesting to … Continue reading

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The Test

Voices were muffled and distant, though I could easily see lips moving and various facial gestures. I was present but absent as I contemplated the inevitable defeat and humiliation ahead of me.  Time flowed by as I drew closer to … Continue reading

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Crisis Management

I am getting tired of this. I know I should back off and let them work it out.  I know all about enabling.  Yet, they are my parents after all.  I can’t sit on the sidelines.  Oh well, I should … Continue reading

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There it Sat

There it sat. Small, sleek and all-knowing.  Arrogant in spite of its tiny stature.  It was dressed in Satanic Black, just to underscore its power. OK, it did have a little light which lent some softness and approachability to it.  … Continue reading

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The Group

The stripes on his uniform were faded and torn. He barely squeezed into his shirt, buttons near bursting.  He peered from behind his dark rimmed glasses, thick with age. He leaned to his right.  In earnest tone he spoke to … Continue reading

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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a louse (lice for the plural). The Orkin Person had cleaned out the place and got rid of all these tiny creatures.  It … Continue reading

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Part 681-A

It’s difficult to choose. There are pros and cons.  One option gives greater range of use.  One gives greater durability.  One offers greater flexibility.  One is easier to install.  Then there are the endorsements to consider.   Oprah touts the “A” … Continue reading

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Flight 1068

  The message was clear and it shook me out of a pleasant state of semi-conscious blissful calmness. I was floating along at 33,000 feet far above the cares of the world.  The stern voice announced, “There will be turbulence … Continue reading

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Jealousy Unmasked

Jealousy has had a bad rap.  Jealously has existed since the first single cell amoeba rushed to engulf the first food particle while his neighbor cell stared in awe and envy.  Jealousy exists on a grand scale too.  Consider the … Continue reading

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Getting Up

I know I have to be getting up. What a drag.  I have to move my right leg which is curled up under my left.  It’s wants to stay put.  These legs don’t like moving at the tender age of … Continue reading

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It’s 8:05 as I enter the massive supermarket. It’s a good thing that I have my list.  Let’s see:  apples, salad, milk, and cereal.  Very healthy.  Oh yes, don’t forget cookies to counter the healthy stuff.  Balance is important.   … Continue reading

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FAITH On Trial

The initial determination was pretty much open and shut.  It was a case of murder/suicide.  The investigation was brief. The lead Detective released all the documents.   The evidence showed numerous complaints and a plan to terminate the Fully Automated Intelligent Technology Home, FAITH.  … Continue reading

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Faith Prevails

One eye opens slowly. A tiny ray of light enters the brain.  Should I bother?  It opens slightly further to investigate.  A light shines on the ceiling, or actually just below it.  It appears to be a letter… “G”.  A … Continue reading

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I sit here in my comfortable lawn chair enjoying the sunshine and warmth of an early fall Sunday.  I ponder the divisions, the anger and the pain in our country that grow by the day.   I have the good … Continue reading

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Emergency Preparations

My heart is racing.  Beads of sweat flow from my forehead.  Some of these tiny droplets decide to risk the high jump as they flow down my nose.  With second thoughts they tend to hang on for a second to … Continue reading

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Top 10 Things to Do During a Hurricane

1.  Remove all plants and furniture from the porch and lanai 2. Send emails to your northern family and friends, “Wish you were here, really” 3. Get necessary supplies such as wine, beer and pretzels 4. Climb your palm trees … Continue reading

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Help Wanted: Mothers

Applicants: Must be female, though this can be flexible these days No previous experience required No training, education, licensing required Special requirements: Must be willing to gain about 30 lbs. for mine months; Must be able to withstand 10 level … Continue reading

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I’m Doomed

Ok, it’s going to happen.  Get up and face the day.  This is the first day of school.  It’s full of promise and dread.  Mostly dread. Milk spills.  Milk spilling should be an Olympic event.  Once again, I’m going for … Continue reading

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Dear Editor

It’s clear now that the American flag no longer is acceptable in this divided nation.  We need a new symbol all can rally around.  I propose a smiling cow be the new flag of the United States.  Who could possibly … Continue reading

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Time for a Drive

I drove quickly out of the driveway, looking both ways as I entered the quiet street.  I accelerated to the next light, engine humming with power. Thunderbird is a good name for this baby.   A police siren stormed up … Continue reading

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Old Man Speaks

There once was an old man from Fort Myer-ed   He loved being busy, yet re-tired To stay with his tasks As he ran out of gas   He lived fully each moment In-spired   Lee

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My Name is Creb

Hi!  My name is Creb.  Blame my parents.  When I was created they must have thought it was cute, eccentric and chic.  They really thought I was special and they were right.   Here I am with Vi.  She has … Continue reading

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Time Travel … A Waste of Time

I admit it.  I’m tired of time travel.  It was fun at first, but the novelty wore off.  Big deal.  I’ve seen the Old West.  It’s dirty and hot.  I’ve seen the pyramids being constructed. They really needed OSHA.  I’ve … Continue reading

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Survival Tips for Summer Campers

There are many hazards for children at summer camp.  Careful preparation will be very helpful and even necessary for your survival.  Here are some helpful tips for you campers out there.  We will start with … Tip 1: Make Friends … Continue reading

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Buy Now!

“Yes, it’s hard to believe but Galactica is on sale for a limited time only.  You too can experience the benefits of Galactica. You will be transformed from your stress-filled world to a place of tranquillity.  Escape the tortured present … Continue reading

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The Award Goes to..

Thank you. Thank you.  I humbly accept the Nobel Prize for Short Short Story.  I would like to thank the many who came before me.   First, I would like to thank prehistoric man.  The early stories told in brevity … Continue reading

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Dependence Day

Whereas there has been too much war and destruction in the name of Independence   Whereas Independence can lead to many outrageous ideas that can irritate a lot of people   Whereas many people prefer the status quo to an … Continue reading

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It Was a Partly Cloudy Day

A shot rang out suddenly.  Before he knew it our fearless hero, Derrick, had his arms around the lovely Mary.  His biceps bulged with authority.  He knew Mary was terrified of gunfire.  Any excuse for a hug.  Even stepping on … Continue reading

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Dependence Day

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At the Beach

The warmth of the rising sun and the gentle lapping of the waves stirs my soul.  It’s good to be alive.   Primal waves push countless tiny plants and creatures ashore.  Some of them seem to want to rush to … Continue reading

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Prey for a Good End

Max stood facing these two youths escaping from the bonds of school and adult control.  He thought quickly about the boy’s threat to use that blade. He would be dead before he could draw his pistol at this close range. … Continue reading

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A Cautionary Tale

Here I am on a late December evening washing old stuff some would call junk. I finally decided to box it all up for a donation to Goodwill.  I’ve picked up these strange items from various garage sales over the … Continue reading

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Everything Seemed To Be Going So Well

“Hi, I’m Judy, how may I serve you today?”.  The voice had a slightly southern accent, with a mixture of other barely detectable miscellaneous accents floating about.  Perhaps a metropolitan area such as Atlanta? Anyway, I was greatful to be … Continue reading

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