Author Archives: jrowe2328

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.

The Invitation

The Virus called, “Come out and Play!” Smiling to myself, said “Not today!” T’wer I still young, not compromised I might succumb to your “surprise”! But now, though old, the brain now works Not falling for your nasty quirks! So, … Continue reading

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The times I’ve resolved to lose weight I have found By the end of that year I have gained 15 pounds! By resolving to exhibit some patience, I’ve gotten More opportunities to be more patient, how rotten! Those years that … Continue reading

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Santa’s Christmas Wish

Twas the night before Christmas in Pelican Preserve No one on the Pickleball courts to serve! The streets had been rolled up at quarter to nine The old ones, now boozed up, were feeling just fine! All awaited the arrival … Continue reading

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Christmas Eve in Pelican Preserve

Christmas Eve in PP and the night is so still! The sky’s stars at full bright, in the air just a chill! The children, now grown, are back North in the snow, But none with the old ones, it’s Florida, … Continue reading

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“Stupid is as Stupid does”, yes, Forrest had it right! Like the winner of a Darwin Award or someone losing sight Of reality or not facing facts, like Icarus never flew With wings he’d made of wax and feathers or … Continue reading

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Freddie was not a “nice” boy, he tortured animals when the opportunity presented itself, but he was a cowardly bully and made sure he was alone when those urges hit him. This was the third visit that Freddie had made … Continue reading

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Lemuel was 12 the first time he saw the ship hovering in the sky. He’d been brushing old Dobbin in his stall one evening after supper and saw a light shining through the back door of the barn. When he’d … Continue reading

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The Impetus of the Wind

It pushes and pulls, expands and contracts Can take things away or bring them right back! It can warm you with a soothing summer breeze Or freeze you with a cold one up your sleeve! It mesmerizes vision with gently … Continue reading

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Twitterpatted, I seemed to be Deaf, dumb and blind, it seems to me! In her presence, my heart beat faster I muttered, I mumbled, a real disaster. Abject beauty beyond compare, Oh, to smell that bountiful hair! Alabaster skin with … Continue reading

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Red Cape

Solano was in his 4th year and he was more than ready.  Bred in the Spanish line of fighting bulls, Solano was muscular, though not as large as a “meat” bull, only 496kg, he was beautifully proportioned with wide horns … Continue reading

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The Hurricane Whisperer

The shaggy haired shaman, dressed in a palm frond skirt and little else, sat still on one of the large rocks in the edge of the surf on the land that would, one day, become Florida.  He sat cross legged, … Continue reading

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Minced Meat?

“It really is an honor,’ Leonard thought,’ to be named a Judge at this year’s Cochise County Fair!” Granted, he was the Mayor of Willoughby, but Willoughby’s population had dwindled to 460 hearty souls, so he was surprised to receive … Continue reading

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“Fire!” Lieutenant Henry commanded! 7 rifles barked and coughed smoke together as the white paper target that had been pinned over the condemned’s chest disentegrated. He slumped against the post to which he’d been tied, head flopping to the side … Continue reading

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The Repentant Thief

Ed leaned upon the rail of the cruise ship, gin and tonic in hand, gazing at the blazing red and gold sunset off the port bow, the ship headed on toward the Turks and Caicos Islands. He’d struck up a … Continue reading

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Oh, Eire, tis marvelous to see How happy and content your people be! For centuries the strife and toil Took toll and made their lives aroil! But, soul and spirit have will out And now, that spirit doth sing and … Continue reading

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Am I broken, Am I whole? A universal question I am told. It all depends, it seems to me, On who you see yourself to be. What’s going on inside your head? Has it to do with where you’re lead? … Continue reading

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Our Time!

“What time is it?” I heard her say, Said I, “tis time to greet the day, With vigor, vim, vitality, One more great day for you and me!” So, from our bed, we spring to life, No worries, for this … Continue reading

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The traffic is heavy but this car can stop on a dime. The cop gave me a dirty look cause I put my foot in my mouth, now I’m hung up on a problem and the judge will throw the … Continue reading

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Othello Reprise!

She’s been the love of his life. He’d been so happy, til now! Paul was devastated, Cassie was cheating on him, he just knew it!  He’d suspected her dallying for a couple of months now, so he followed her for … Continue reading

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Contradiction in Terms!

I am a contradiction, it seems Though it hasn’t prevented fulfilling my dreams! If I go by the weight charts, I’m 6 foot 4, Yet, in fact, I’m really more close to the floor! Enigma is not what I thought … Continue reading

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Chapter Seven

The realization hit Zachariah like a two by four to the forehead! He sat down, white as a sheet! The demon wasn’t after him, it was after Wilma and Delfina! Somehow he’d subliminally known that it wasn’t Delfina saying “Save … Continue reading

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Am I the moth who seeks his flame? My lust alone, none else to blame! What siren must this being be! This one whose visage torments me. No will have I, all pretense bled, She has my soul, resistance fled! … Continue reading

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We’d met in college, Mary and I, me in pre-med and she working on a BA in business administration. We married right after graduation and Mary got a job as a buyer for Costco. I was entering medical school that … Continue reading

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My Life for You, Oh Window Pane!

I stand with nose against the pane, Lustful thoughts, they fill my brain! How do I possess this thing I see? I will, I must, it will complete me! Oh where to find those funds I’ve sought My cards are … Continue reading

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Guido’s Birthday

Guido was turning 78, he’d had a long exciting life.  He’d come in through Ellis Island in 1945 at the age of 4, his family escaping Mussolini’s screwed up rule of Italy and the aftermath of WWII.  He’d grown up … Continue reading

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Abandoned To The Wild

The trip started out well enough, the weather was cold for late August, but beautiful and I was free of work and stress for the next four days.   My canoe was packed and I was alone on a great … Continue reading

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Double or Nothin’

“Double or nothin’, Roscoe said. The Devil laid his head back and roared with laughter,” What’ve you got to offer?  The deal on the table is my money for your soul.” Roscoe continued,” I know a riddle you can’t solve, … Continue reading

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What was THAT? II

The hinges scream in my ears as the door creaks open! “It’s time, John” the voice intones.  A halo of light surrounds the heads of the four figures that assault my vision. A hooded one carries a large book and … Continue reading

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What was THAT?

It wasn’t so much the sound as it was the feeling that the sound engendered in my brain.  The feeling was DOOM! The sound was the slow workings of the tumblers in the lock on my LOCKED door!  Sort of … Continue reading

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Lillian (Conclusion)

7 They started with the latest victims first, figuring the surveillance tapes would not have been erased or played over this quickly, less than a month. The list of bars within the 7 block parameter that Carl had devised were, … Continue reading

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Lillian (6 continued)

“Lets go see Phil and pick his brain over the details of this case,” Carl said.  He and Remus picked up their case files and went up to Philip Forbish, MD’s office, the Police Departments shrink. After reviewing the details … Continue reading

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Lillian (Continued)

“OK.’ Carl mused, ‘here’s what I see that we have!  6 bodies in the last 3 months, that we know of ‘cause one missing a heart hasn’t yet been found, all killed in the same manner, steel spike to the … Continue reading

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This was Ed’s first visit to the Silver Goblet wine bar.  He hoped to hook up with the opposite sex for a one nighter and his recent attempts at other bars had been less successful, so he was feeling a … Continue reading

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Detective Carl Willets phone rang at 3AM, he was only half asleep.  He had the night call and and was lead tonight for he and his partner Remus Forsythe.  He took the call from the night desk, Sergeant Thomas, “ … Continue reading

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This was Ed’s first visit to the Silver Goblet wine bar.  He hoped to hook up with the opposite sex for a one nighter and his recent attempts at other bars had been less successful, so he was feeling a … Continue reading

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Norman’s Plan

Scene opens: The male human body lies on a sandy dune 50 yards from the high tide surf line, fully clothed, face up, a small hole in the right temple, a larger one on the left side just past the … Continue reading

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My first alcohol came during my Senior year of high school.  One of my friends, John Baxter, invited me and another friend, Tony Lefteris, to his house for an overnighter on a weekend his parents were away, his older sister … Continue reading

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The Bike

I’m sorry, he mouthed and drove away,  leaving me down, luckily surviving! He hadn’t the courage or character to stay Face the fact he was texting while driving.   I’d been in a bike lane, clearly marked, Pedaling along at … Continue reading

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Possible Future!

I doubt that we (the elder ones) will see it, but “things” move much faster today than in the past, so we must get prepared for though we may not be affected, our grandchildren most certainly will. We all knew … Continue reading

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She wore the old style of hose, those that required a garter belt and had a seam that ran down the back.  She dressed as thou she was auditioning for a part in an old movie, a 2 piece suit … Continue reading

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Sweet Memories

Freddy sat in the lobby of The Franklin Hotel, the oldest establishment in Busby, Wisconsin reading a Busby Tribune that was 2 days old and bored out of his skull.  He could not understand what was taking Marjorie so long … Continue reading

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Willard knew that these weren’t feelings that he should be having, he knew that these impulses were heightened by the pornographic websites he’d been visiting more often lately.  He’d been very careful to keep his computer codes locked away so … Continue reading

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Nuevo Comienzo

Ed knew he hadn’t been “right” since he lost his dead wife’s wedding band 3 months ago.  He’d been in a kind of funk for the last year since loosing her to cancer and the ring, which he’d worn on … Continue reading

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Someone to Love

They had been lovers in college, 40 years ago, but those times didn’t allow their feelings for each other to be out in the open and their lives took different paths when Wilma couldn’t fly in the face of society’s … Continue reading

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The Visitor

As night was falling and a storm approaching, I sat alone, pen in hand, contemplating the story that had been forming in my mind.  A warm fire, crackling on the hearthstone, relaxed me, despite the occasional flash of lightning, clap … Continue reading

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Harold’s Story

Hi, my name is Harold and I am a kite.  Not your ordinary kite like the one some little boy flies, like Charlie Brown, that gets caught in a tree every time he flies it!  No, I have an extraordinary … Continue reading

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Dobbin’s Retirement

Dobbin would be 25 this year.  He stood 17 hands high, tall for a horse, gray muzzle, but dark head, neck, forelegs and withers with his body becoming more dappled and lighter over his rump and hind legs.  He was … Continue reading

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Phyllis adjusted the bra strap on her bathing suit, reached for her pina colada and took a sip, an involuntary giggle escaping her lips as she sat on her lounge in the sun on the beach in ‘Cabo.  She couldn’t … Continue reading

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Charlie’s Escape

Charlie had had all he could take.  He’d made up his mind that he was leaving Phyllis!  Her constant bitching about his lack of initiative and the poor money he made had finally gotten to him.  He didn’t understand why … Continue reading

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The Key (part 5)

Josh had to come to terms with his “gift”.  He knew it was not him, that he was just a conduit, but he also knew that this gift was now the purpose of his life, that he didn’t have to … Continue reading

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The Key (part 4)

To his credit, he was still astounded at the event that had just unfolded and did not yet fully understand his role in the events that had played out so dramatically over the recent past. Christmas was rapidly approaching and … Continue reading

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The Key (part 3)

Josh was in a quandary, he had no one he felt he could confide in about his thoughts of these last events that had thrown him for a loop!  The dog coming alive in his hands, then Mr Thornton jerking … Continue reading

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The Key (continued)

Josh put the gold card in his wallet figuring that someone he knew would eventually ask him about it and reveal themselves as the purveyor of the joke.  A couple weeks went by and he forgot about the card until … Continue reading

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The Key

Josh was full of Egg Fu Young!  Satisfied, he sat back and picked up the fortune cookie that must have been left at his plate by his waitress.  It was heavier than he’d expected when he picked it up and … Continue reading

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