Happy Pilgrim

The prompt for this piece is “AI and I”, and it consists of two five-stanza poems. One is written by me, the other by AI (Copilot). Can you guess which is which?

Happy Pilgrim

I am a happy pilgrim wand’ring down the road of life,
I’m loved by both my daughters and the gal who is my wife.
I first began my journey back in nineteen-forty-three,
And have spent the intervening years seeking to be me.

My travels haven’t been too hard, nor have they all been smooth,
They’re slower now, though, than they were when I was but a youth.
I make more time to look around than I ever used to do,
Far less concerned with making haste than soaking up the view.

My tomorrows---fewer now than my many yesterdays---
Still unfold themselves quite wondrously to my open gaze,
And I’m astonished there’s so much that’s new along the way,
As I continue down my path, loving each new day.

I know for ev’ry journey there will always be an end,
But it would be a long, long road that never takes a bend,
And so, I wend my pilgrim’s way, that end not yet in sight,
Trusting that my steps are sure, and my destination right.

I am a happy pilgrim wand’ring down the road of life,
And my age is not an issue, nor yet a source of strife.
In fact, it is a gift that I’ve been blessed to call my own,
And I give thanks for loved ones dear, for I am not alone.
Happy Pilgrim

I am a happy pilgrim wand'ring down the road of life,
With dreams as my companions, and hope to ease my strife.
Through sun-kissed meadows and moonlit fields I just love to roam,
Guided by the stars above, finding solace far from home.

In fields of laughter, I gather mem’ries like wildflowers,
Each petal a moment, fragrant with love's gentle powers.
The winding path unfolds, a tapestry of joy and tears,
And I dance to the rhythm of life, banishing all fears.

Beneath the silvery moon, I find solace in the night,
Whisp’ring secrets to the stars and their pure, distant light.
The road ahead may wind and twist, but I'm sure to persist,
For ev’ry step’s a story, every moment a sweet kiss.

Beneath the ancient oaks, I uncover wisdom's sweet sway,
Their roots anchored deep in earth, their leaves a verdant display.
The road may lead to distant lands, where mysteries unfold,
And I'll follow its winding path, with heart that's brave and bold.

The road may turn or waver, but my heart remains steadfast,
For ev’ry twist reveals a truth, each bend a chance to last.
So let me be this pilgrim, with wonderment in my eyes,
Embracing life's adventure, under ever-changing skies.

© J. Bradley Burt 2024

About talebender

A retired principal, superintendent, and school district director of education, I am a graduate of York University and the Ryerson School of Journalism. I have published eleven novels and nine anthologies of tales, all of which may be found in both paperback and e-book formats on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.  A free preview of the books, and details regarding purchase, may be found at this safe site--- http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/precept. I live with my wife in Ontario and Florida, where I'm at work on a twelfth novel and a tenth collection of tales.
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4 Responses to Happy Pilgrim

  1. dolorespreston says:

    Two nice poems if I may

    Praise your talent




  2. epdusty says:

    Unlike Oz’s Tin Man, AI still hasn’t gotten a heart. So the choice is obvious, if made more so by the image of the “silvery moon!”


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