Road Switching at Madova

Ernie Hager, a short-sized Cuban cigar rancher-type in his mid-40’s enjoys a sunny day at the local horse race.

Willie Mays Hayes, railroad engineer struts down the aisle way with a corndog in his mouth while trying to balance the coke tray with multiple drinks.

Suddenly, the phone rings with Ernie answering the call. Willie stares at Ernie in disbelief.

“Willie we are called for duty at Denvo for the road switcher at Madora. Scooter Harris is our brakeman while I will be in charge as the conductor. Horse race over, time to get on the road.”

Ernie and Willie slid into a 1969 Charger with vinyl hardtop and rt tail strip, chromed out 383 big block engine, and black bucket interior seats. Ernie’s charger motors in and out of traffic and finally lands in the Denvo train depot on the south end of rubble road.

Ernie and Willie slid off their respectful seats while grabbing their overnight bags and headed toward the depot.

Yardmaster Harvey Bars on the train yard intercom,” Willie Mays Hayes engineer your train can be found on track #18. Ernie Hager come inside, your brakeman Scooter Harris is waiting for you, the IPAD #12 can be found on the wall updated with necessary instructions, and the train list is complete. Give me a call upon entering the depot.”

“Scooter, we are assigned to the road switcher at Madova today. Willie Mays Hayes is already on the train on track #18, I got the IPAD off the wall and now I got to call the yardmaster now.

Yardmaster on the intercom in the depot, “Ernie and Scooter no need to call, I see you have the IPAD, and the train is being air tested on track #18. Head out since the train will be ready when you get there.”

Ernie and Scooter threw their duffle bags over their shoulders and headed outside. Ernie quickly lights a cigar while walking toward the tracks.

“Scooter, I have some Cuban cigars from Havanna. You want to try one?”

“Sure Ernie, never turn down a great smoke.”

Ernie and Scooter each pull themselves up on the locomotive by grabbing the bar while thrusting themselves on the platform.

“Look who we have today, Scooter and Ernie glad to have you on the Madora Switcher. Ernie, the smell from the Cuban cigars is evident. I would appreciate a Cuban, please. Also guys the train is air tested by notice of the air slip, the brakes are off the cars and locomotives.”

“Thank you, Willie, and as you can see Scooter and I are your crew members.”

Willie pushes the train throttle forward while releasing the automatic brake. The hissing sound increases from the brakes as the pistons disappear. The train wheels start grinding on the rail as the train picks up speed.

“Ernie and Scooter, the train is moving, buckle up and get those cigars out so we can smoke them before we reach the gas refinery.”

The Madova Switcher train’s wheels grind louder as the locomotive picks up speed outside of Denvo.

“Willie, we have 10 miles to the Clarksdale Refinery Plant. We have 21 cars for delivery which includes diesel, butane, and gasoline cars.”

“Thanks Ernie, I guess Scooter will protect the shove of the cars while your up front with me.”

Scooter puffs on his cigar while laying back on his brakeman’s chair. Ernie takes turns blowing out smoke while shuffling his switch list for delivering the refinery cars.

The refinery in the distance luminates the sky. The glare of the light grows more evident while the train grinds consistently on the rail and black smoke is released from the lead locomotive.

Ernie in the locomotive cab, “Automatic switch is lined into Madova siding and our train is one mile from the main refinery switch. Scooter here is a copy of our train list for tracks 1,2,3 at the refinery.”

The grinding of the wheels becomes less evident as the train slows down.

Scooter busts out the front door of the stopped locomotive, slides down the stairs and heads toward the main refinery switch. He throws the switch and huffs and puffs while striding toward the track 3 switch at the plant.

Ernie on the train radio, “Scooter watch out a diesel car is loose off industrial track #3 and it is headed right towards you.”

Scooter dives between the rails off track #2 as the diesel car brushes up against him as the car goes by him. Scooter’s back hits the ground while ripping the right side of his winter coat.

“Oh, my shoulder hurts I can’t move my right-side guys.”

In the locomotive cab, “Willie that diesel car is headed right at out locomotive.”

“Ernie, we got 3 minutes to get off the train and move as far as possible from the train.”

The trainmen jump off the locomotive platform on the left and right sides respectively. Each landed safely and sprung away from the locomotive. The diesel car made an impact with the train and a massive explosion climbed into the air about 50 feet high and 30 feet wide.  Scooter rolls over and gets up away from the explosion while the others were far enough away.

Ernie, on the train radio,” Scooter are you okay? We saw you dive to track #2 while the car brushed you. We also called the dispatcher already.”

“My right side hurts, I need one of those cigars and a stiff drink!”

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