The View

The approaching dawn, trumpets the great news, here comes today

Pink glowing blush, with borders of red, push dark away

A sunrise glow, awake all things below, on your way

Blue spreading above, dispels the white puffs, ending their play

Grass thirsting dew, lusts for new drops, deeper green foretold

Open sweeping fields, waves of yellow curls, and light gold

Rocks protruding tips, sharp black and grey, an edge they hold

A winding path, grass on each side, bend and fold

Before my eyes, a sea of green, shallow slung low

Shades of green, mix and blend, merge and flow

Tender grass blades, bright in new light, poised to grow

A pastel scene, every shade willing, assemble in row

A righteous tree, rough bark and cracked, tangled limbs high 

Leaves waving free, whisper soft and sing, wind and sky

A breeze descends, branches bend and sway, birds go by

Small critters shelter, hide safe and rest, with watchful eye

A steady rise, yields an open view, tidy yards below

The noble land, grand home to all, fuel to grow

Small spots abound, red, yellow and white, blend and flow

A treasure true, the earth and air, so thanks we owe

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1 Response to The View

  1. talebender says:

    Very descriptive imagery, nicely done! I love the phrase ‘a righteous tree’!


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