You’ve got a friend in me

“You’ve got a friend in me

You’ve got a friend in me

If you’ve got troubles, I’ve got ’em too

There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you

We stick together and can see it through

‘Cause you’ve got a friend in me

Yeah, you’ve got a friend in me”

These lyrics come to mind many times.  Most recently when I arrived in Florida for my 6 month stay.

As you know I am extremely active in the Pelican, and have many acquaintances, but are these people true friends.  What characteristics define a friend?  The song that keeps ringing out is “you’ve got a friend in me”.  There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, We stick together and see it through.

I came back to the Pelican after being away 6 months, took the hurricane bars down from the garage, connected the battery, and tried to start the car.  Nothing happened.  My first thought is it’s the the battery.  Then I thought perhaps it’s the key fob. the battery in the remote key fob is dead.  I took another key fob I had and the exact same issue occurred. That really surprised me. No car.  In Pelican without a car, or golf cart, or some means of transportation, you have a real problem.  So I start thinking who would I call?  Lots of names pop up, tennis fellows, uke folks whose names I really don’t know, Pelican pen people whose names I also do not know.

A friend is someone you have no qualms about calling when in trouble and know they will be there for you.  These people are many times not the same people whose company you enjoy on the tennis court, or people you enjoy playing music with, or the folks whom kindly listen to your writings.

I believe true friends are the people you can call at 3 AM in the morning and not feel badly waking them up to come get you.  They will graciously and willingly not think twice about doing whatever it takes to help.  I believe we all need a couple of people like this in our lives.

Being an only child, I learned you had to figure things out on your own.  So I paused and thought.   I took apart the car key fob, saw the kind of battery required, searched through my battery stash and found the CR2032 and replaced the key fob battery and Voila.  The car started. I was elated, relieved, and proud that I figured out how to open the key fob, and elated I had an extra battery, and excited I figured out the mystery.  However this incident gave me lots to think about.

Do I have a go to person here in Florida?  Do I have a best friend?  and Why not?

So who here today who wants to volunteer to be that friend?

Play song.


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1 Response to You’ve got a friend in me

  1. talebender says:

    You pose some interesting questions about friendship. We’re lucky, I think, to have one or two besties who would never let us down.


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