The Veteran

I did not seek it, my draft board selected me

I did not want it, just random I became a marine

I could not avoid it, I was sent on my tour

I hoped to return, but I could not be sure

Scared by things I heard and saw

Cried for my friends who lay raw

Angered by inhumanity all around

Hoped a better world could be found

Regret those I placed in my sights

Unsure that I should have the right

I know heaven gates are locked for me

The sins committed in war are key

I stood fast to protect wounded friends

Given a medal for upholding my end

Lay shocked and bleeding, once more

Carried out and saved by my corp

I think often why them and not me

Get home was my hope and my plea

Old thoughts I’ve put on the shelf

At peace with the world and myself 

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1 Response to The Veteran

  1. talebender says:

    A lovely, poetic tribute to the warriors we remember on 11 November, and also a perceptive take on the mixed feelings they often experience about their part in a war.
    Well done!


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