It’s The Schgreeeken!

The little boy’s cries quieted when his mother entered the bedroom.  “Hush,” she soothed.  “You’ve just had a bad dream.”

“It’s the schgreeeken,” he whimpered, pointing to the partially-open window.

His mother peered through the crack in the curtains, straining to see into the inky blackness outside.  “All I see is the wind blowing a branch from the tree, making it scrape against the gutter,” she said to comfort him.  “That’s what’s making the scary noise.  Daddy will cut the branch off tomorrow so it won’t do that anymore.”

“No, it’s the schgreeeken!” the little boy whispered more plaintively.  “It’s coming to take me away!”

“The noise will stop when the wind dies down,” his mother said.  “Roll over now and close your eyes.  You want to be ready for the Hallowe’en party at school tomorrow, don’t you?”

The little boy scrunched down under the blankets obediently as his mother kissed him lovingly.  She took her time, nuzzling his ear, rumpling his hair, drinking in that little-boy smell she adored.  “You’re safe, my little one.  Nobody wants to take you away.  Sleep well.”

A few minutes after she closed the door behind her, and after the little boy’s breathing had resumed its deep, somnolent rhythm, the curtains parted silently as the schgreeeken slithered stealthily into the room.

© J. Bradley Burt 2023

About talebender

A retired principal, superintendent, and school district director of education, I am a graduate of York University and the Ryerson School of Journalism. I have published eleven novels and nine anthologies of tales, all of which may be found in both paperback and e-book formats on and  A free preview of the books, and details regarding purchase, may be found at this safe site--- I live with my wife in Ontario and Florida, where I'm at work on a twelfth novel and a tenth collection of tales.
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2 Responses to It’s The Schgreeeken!

  1. talebender says:

    I even scared myself! lol


  2. gepawh says:

    Why do I now fear “inky blackness” not to mention the “schgreekens” Well Done!


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