
“Harry, Harry, look at the size of these footprints—there meginormous!”

“You’re right Pete. I think we finally found his trail. These prints have to be three times the size of a normal human, and they look fresh. This could be the find of the century. We’ll be famous!”

“So, what are we waiting for? Let’s follow the tracks and see where they lead. Meginormouse footprints this size will be a snap to follow.”

Behind a pile of rocks, a short distance from where the boys were standing, it was all the Munchkins could do to stifle their laughter. This had to be the best prank they had ever devised. It had taken several hours to create realistic footprints. The trail would lead to a river and disappear. By the time the humans discovered they were following a dead end, the Munchkin brothers would be long gone.

“Biggie, I must admit, I didn’t think this prank would work.”

“It might not have if you didn’t do such a great job creating those footprints, Whopper. They looked just like real Bigfoot prints.”

“Let’s head home and see what kind of prank we can think up for tomorrow. I’m sure it will be even more meginormouse than this one.”

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2 Responses to Meginormous

  1. gepawh says:

    Leave it to the imagination of kids!


  2. talebender says:

    Not sure I’d follow tracks that big, but it’s a great prank!


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