Be Vigilant

Watching others is generally great entertainment. Except today. I watched a couple sit on a small bench without speaking a word. Usually there’s animated conversation while you wait. Couples share the day’s news, argue about things and complain about the wait. Not this late middle aged couple. Silent.

He stared upwards visualizing the sequence of actions he will execute in the brutal mission that is just minutes away. I spotted what appeared to be a scar on his right cheek- probably from a knife fight. She looked downward, visualizing and learning from the missteps and close calls of past missions. She looked trim and very muscular and fit beneath her ordinary appearance. I suspect she is a black belt in martial arts. They make a good team. The combination of planning for success and learning from mistakes made them a dangerous assassin team. 

The closer I look, the more evil I see. That bulge in his right pocket is probably a 38. She  appears to have a knife handle sticking out of the top of her large handbag. I suspect he will be the distraction- firing a few rounds to create panic while she gets in close and kills her target. 

I time my glances keeping them under five seconds. His zippered grey sweater was a bit baggy but that was a nice cover to hide his muscular body. She sported dyed blond hair, simple plain clothes and a small cross hanging from a cheap necklace. There were no logos, no school names, no sports teams, and no political or social messages anywhere on their clothing. They would disappear in a crowd- which is what they will do after their assassination mission in a few minutes.

II pondered- the phrase “If you see something, say something”. I could call the police but it might be too late. I should step up and try to stop the murder. It’s my duty. My wife sat oblivious, happily sending text messages to friends. I decided not to alarm her. I suddenly rose and took two steps towards the assassins. I gripped my car key tightly with the metal key protruding from my fist. That will be a pretty good weapon. 

At that moment two small children ran up to the assassins yelling “Happy Birthday Grammy”. They were followed closely by their smiling parents carrying a big cake. The woman assassin reached into her purse and withdrew her cake knife. She laughed and raised the cake knife- “I’m ready to go”. Grandpa reached into his bulging pocket and pulled out a bag of candy. He smiled- “And I brought the appetizer”. 

As we all walked into the crowded restaurant I glanced at the female assassin. I smiled and said “Happy birthday”. I liked her better when she was a dangerous spy about to commit murder.

Dinner was pretty nice. The party seemed to go very well. As we all exited I noticed a birthday card on the floor. I picked it up and opened it. My heart raced and a bead of sweat popped up on my forehead. The message inside was in Russian. I placed the card carefully in a napkin- there are plenty of fingerprints on it. 

The police will track down these spies thanks to a vigilant citizen.

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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1 Response to Be Vigilant

  1. talebender says:

    And here I was, thinking this ‘vigilant American’ was a dotty, confused old codger with a hyperactive imagination, conjuring a highly-improbable scenario from a perfectly-innocent setting.
    Nicely spun!


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