The Flash Killer Strikes Again

He appeared pretty calm considering he knew I was a serial killer. Mr. Jamison was wearing a cranberry colored sporty cashmere turtle-neck sweater. I poured cognac for him. He probably smoked a pipe but he neglected to bring it along- it just wouldn’t fit the scene anyway.

Mr. Jamison appeared to be in rather good condition for his age. The streak of grey hair gave him a touch of maturity and added to his good looks. He had a little twinkle in his eye, and a dimple on his cheeks at the slightest hint of a smile which appeared to rise first on the right side of his mouth. He looked a bit like a young Harrison Ford now that I think about it. He seemed to appreciate his drink and paused to allow it to rest for a while in his mouth before swallowing. He put the glass down and began his appeal. “I understand that you plan to kill me soon but I would like to discuss that if you don’t mind”. I responded “Fine, but be brief please”.

Mr. Jamison sat in the leather armchair next to my desk. He leaned forward towards me as if to tell me a little secret. In a calm, soft voice he said- “I know you’ve killed 40 people so far but I wonder if you could change the pattern. Perhaps you could be satisfied with a less deadly plan”. I paused to consider his request- “I don’t think that’s possible given my need for a quick resolution”. 

Fearing a hasty end to a short life, Mr. Jameson held his hand up, in a “stop” motion. “I think your followers might find it more interesting with a different ending”. I shrugged my shoulders- “I doubt it. Violence is always in vogue. Besides, I have a nice twist on things planned for your murder. It will be a suicide-murder. It will look like you were murdered by your wife, but in reality you commited suicide in order to frame your wife for murdering you so that she will be executed. In effect- you will be murdering her through the criminal justice system. What could be more of an interesting twist than that?”. He responded- “You have a good point there. But I think you may have a problem with your plan”.

Mr. Jameson sipped his cognac. He looked me in the eye and said “I really think it’s improbable that someone would kill themselves in order to seek revenge on someone else. After all, he wins- but he’s dead”. I nodded- “True. But consider the passion in this plotline. A middle aged man abused by his wife, trapped in a failed marriage, about to lose everything in a messy divorce. I think he’s desperate enough to sacrifice himself in order to destroy his wife. I like the revenge twist”.

I leaned forward with my hands poised over the keyboard. Mr. Jamison shouted. “Wait. I have an idea. Maybe I don’t have to die”.  I thought for a second and responded- “Look, you are one of my favorite characters and maybe I will bring you back in the future- but business is business. Flash fiction is the rage now. A two page story is all readers want these days.  I’m afraid this is the end of the line.”.

Mr. Jamison would not be deterred. He tried a new plot line. “How about if I had a twin brother who did the suicide-murder thing. The poor twin could have a terminal illness. He was just doing a good deed for me, making the final great sacrifice for his brother by setting my nasty wife up for a death sentence. HIs surviving brother, me, could then go on and find a happy life with a stripper he met while drowning his sorrows at a bar after the death of his beloved twin brother. There- a happy ending with some sex too. Tell me your readers won’t love that!”

I paused- “I like it, actually. But I’m afraid that would take too long to develop the story line. I’d have to add at least another page. Remember- this is flash fiction and I only have about 1000 words to write a complete story”. Mr. Jamison nodded- “I understand”. I glanced at Mr. Jamison before typing the final few lines. I smiled and he gave me that little crooked smile he’s famous for. I reassured him. “Really, you’ll be back in another story before you know it”. With that my hands flew across the keyboard and dispatched poor Mr. Jamison. 

I hit “send” and “An Almost Perfect Murder”- under 1,000 words, was sent off to the cloud and beyond. 

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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2 Responses to The Flash Killer Strikes Again

  1. talebender says:

    Poor old Jamison! Left to the mercy of the heartless Leeroc3!
    But the pen is always mightier…..


  2. gepawh says:

    Good story! I think a few of us had similar ideas.


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