
It was in the time of Earth’s infancy that there was only one massive continent. The inhabitants called this supercontinent Pangaea. This unity of continents encouraged a similar unity among species. Men and beasts worked as one, building a civilization that had never been seen before and will never be seen again. The name of this utopian civilization was—Atlantis.

Atlantans were a proud people constantly seeking new technology for the betterment of everyone on the planet. They realized that if it was possible to develop an unlimited source of energy, every being on Pangaea would benefit. Not only would they need the perfect energy source but a system to transmit it throughout the continent. It was decided that the energy project would be divided into two groups, energy development, and energy transport.

The development group felt that the best place to find a limitless source of energy was right under their feet. At the center of the continent, the development group constructed a massive drilling structure. Using the brute strength of dinosaurs to turn the drill, they began piercing the Earth’s crust.

Construction crews and materials needed to be transported to multiple locations around Pangaea. This was handled by dragons and other large-winged creatures. Once on site, the crews constructed pyramid-shaped structures and large stone circles. The pyramids would receive pulsating energy blasts that would then be directed at the circular structures. Energy would spin up, gathering speed until it was powerful enough to be sent to the next location. The process would be repeated throughout the network.

The project continued flawlessly until completion. Tragedy struck on the first day of the operation. Lightning from a massive ocean storm struck a pyramid just as it was receiving a power pulse. The combined energy forces reversed direction and ran down the drilling rig straight to the Earth’s core. The explosion that followed was Earth shattering both literally and figuratively.

Massive fissures ran along the surface of Pangaea, carving out continent-size portions of land. Ocean water filled the cracks, creating even more. Over time, the individual sections of land drifted away from each other. They established themselves as independent continents. Atlantans, a once cohesive society, were stranded on these new continents. They soon forgot their old life, becoming today’s societies.

If you are looking for proof of the events I have just chronicled, simply look around. Almost every continent has pyramids. England has a power-boosting station now known as Stonehenge. Every society around the globe has stories about dragons and lost civilizations. Atlantis was never lost. We are them.

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1 Response to Atlantis-Found

  1. talebender says:

    Wow, a brand-new creation story! Loved the final two sentences…..’we are them.’
    Let’s hope we don’t meet a similar fate!


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