The Clique

Johnny Jenerette, a small boy in his early teens moved to Ped Rock, Colorado in 1998. Johnny’s father Hal was a concrete plant manager who received a promotion with Haligon Industries which had concrete plants all over the world.

Johnny was starting the 7th grade at Ped Jr. Sr. High School. The school had grades 7 thru 12 and Johnny was starting at the beginning of the school year in September. On his first day, Johnny was really nervous and scared since he knew nobody in the town or at the school as he sat in the homeroom. Johnny was a light skinned tall kid who was a muscular specimen. Johnny loved playing sports and enjoyed school.

The homeroom teacher Ms. Halloway asked the students to tell the class what elementary school that they came from and the activities in 7th grade that were of interest to them. About halfway thru the students, it was Johnny’s turn. Johnny said, ” Ms. Halloway, I want to play football, baseball, basketball and drama club. I want to meet new friends since I came from Las Vegas, NV. Also, I enjoy reading and writing . These are all special hobbies and activities I enjoy”. “Class, please welcome Johnny to our school and community and make an effort to include Johnny in any activities. Please answer any questions he has concerning our school”. As the rest of the students finished speaking the clock struck 9 A.M. and homeroom was over. Johnny and the other 30 students scurried out to their respective classes for the next period. Johnny’s classes ended about 3:15 P.M for the day.

He then proceeded toward the football field outside for orientation for football. As Johnny went outside, Kevin Johnson came up to him and mentioned he was also going to football orientation. ” What’s your name, I am Kevin Johnson and I play the position of tailback and defensive back. What position do you play”? “I play quarterback and linebacker. My name is Johnny Jenrette and I hope we can be fast friends”. ” Sounds good Johnny and hopefully we will both start on the football team this year”.

As the school year progressed Johnny and Kevin became fast friends. Johnny and Kevin started hanging out with other football players such as Hal Morris, Bob Carpet, Mo Willis and other players.

Johnny and his buddy Kevin both made the team as starters. Johnny as quarterback and Kevin as halfback. The football team during the season went undefeated with 10-0 record and a state championship trophy.

Johnny’s clique was his football friends but he increased his popularity because he was the star football player on the junior football team and the whole town now knew who he was. When Johnny walked down the street one sunny day after the season in the mid- 60’s, the hardware store manager at ACE hardware yelled at Johnny, “hey great season and please tell your dad to come down and get some supplies at a 50% discount. Johnny, you and your fellow football players have put this town on the map and we all appreciate you guys”. “Thank you Mr. Bolt, I’ll let my dad know”.

Johnny now has the whole town in his hands. “Gosh I feel important since everybody loves me”.

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4 Responses to The Clique

  1. gepawh says:

    A very nice story of grit, determination and friendship!


  2. talebender says:

    A heartwarming story, for sure! Friendship, freely offered, is a wonderful thing.


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