Coin Flip

The winning coin flip at a football game whether high school or college can produce the momentum in a game where the winning team might never relinquish the lead and wins the game easily.

Coin Flip

The Indianapolis Colts had the number one draft pick in the 1998 NFL draft. Their quarterback choice was Peyton Manning or Ryan Leaf. “Colts executive Bill Polian said he asked Ryan Leaf when he would come to the facility “? Leaf said, “he’d be there in a few days after players were allowed due to a planned trip to Las Vegas with his friends”. The meeting never happened and Peyton Manning was chosen, while Leaf became a bust.

Coin Flip

In the NBA basketball draft of 1984, the Portland Trailblazers had the 2nd draft pick. They had the choice of Michael Jordan, a small forward from the North Carolina Tar Heels or Sam Bowie, a center from the Kentucky Wildcats. The Portland Trailblazers needed a center based on their needs. Sam Bowie seemed to be a perfect fit, but the problem was that his second season ended with him breaking his tibia and proceeded to miss two seasons. He played his 5th season missing no time. The choice was to take the center with prior issues or take Michael Jordan, the All- American small forward. The Trailblazers drafted Sam Bowie in 1984 and proceeded to play 10 years while missing hundreds of games with leg issues. Michael Jordan became one of the greatest NBA players of all- time.

Coin Flip

While living in NJ in the middle of the 1980’s, I applied to graduate school at the University of Tennessee for an accounting degree. I was accepted and had to make a decision whether to go or not. I decided to wait to go to graduate school. Later on in life I went to Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ for a master’s degree in information systems. I graduated in 2003.

Coin Flip

Life is a flip of a coin whether to make a certain decision or not. Who knows what might have happened if you didn’t make that decision or not.

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1 Response to Coin Flip

  1. gepawh says:

    Indeed it is! It’s funny how much we rely on external things ( flips of coins) to assist our decisions. You have captured that well.


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