Peace of Mind

A sense of calmness gradually swept through my body as I re-read “Fifty Best Hiking Trails of Florida”. It was mid–morning when I arrived at the small gravel parking lot. I was the only one there. I have the whole trail to myself. I would soon enter the peaceful world of nature and leave behind bills, breaking news, crooked politicians, pandemics, global warming, mass shootings, black holes speeding through the universe eating up galaxies and endless extended car warranty offers. 

The weather in this early morning Florida spring was delightful- 74 and sunny-no rain in two months. Thirty percent chance of a mid afternoon shower. Just in case, I packed a plastic raincoat to slip on. I even had an extra pair of sneakers in case I got wet. My Little Voice whispered- “Did you forget to …”. I interrupted, a bit irritated. “Yes, I have the first aid kit, canteen, sandwiches, compass,  trail guide, jackknife and matches. You’d think I was going away for a week”. Chastened, my Little Voice said softly…  “sorry”  … and silently crept to the back of my mind.

The Red Trail sign was welcoming. Little Voice interrupted my serenity- “Read the small print”. It read “Stay on the trail to avoid alligators, Florida panthers, bobcats, copperhead snakes and various bald headed cult members who may be selling bibles or time shares”. I will definitely stay on the trail. 

The trail started out as a wide gravel path but slowly narrowed to a three foot wide dirt path. The sturdy bridges crossing the first few creeks disappeared. They must have run out of money because the bridge across a swamp was reduced to a few planks with no railings. The trail signs were also reduced to  splashes of uncertain colors on tree trunks. Little Voice chimed in- “Go back now, before it’s too late”. But, I remembered my map-  ‘I knew we’re on the right track so be quiet- stop worrying”. 

The sunlight dimmed a bit through dense palm forests and thorny bushes. I spotted a  huge crawling red caterpillar on the trail. At first I thought I would pick it up and put it in my pocket for identification later. Little Voice cautioned- “Maybe it’s poisonous”. Yes, I suppose I could look it up in my “Fifty Best Trails”. Unfortunately I must have left the guidebook in the car trunk. “OK- you win. I’ll let Mr.Caterpillar go along now”. 

I decided to concentrate on the beauty of nature around me. I spotted some white orchids clinging to a big, ancient bald cypress tree. Maybe these are the nearly extinct ghost orchids. “Don’t remind me- I know I can’t pick it”. The smell was intoxicating though. I guess that’s when the itching started. “Never mind Little Voice,  I have my first aid kit”. The date on the allergy medication was “use by 4/1/78”. ,1978”. I reassured Little VOice- ”I’ll take ten of them since they are weak”. Little Voice two tablets now and two more if that doesn’t work in an hour” … “Nice thought there but I need relief now. Don’t worry, I’ve got this”.

I began to slip a bit in my attention. But I did come upon the pond. Actually, it came upon me as I apparently slid off the trail and rolled into it. It was cooling though and I was able to get most of the leeches off my leg quickly once ashore. Little Voice began to review instructions for an emergency fire to alert rescue crews. I attempted a diversion- “Wasn’t that smart of me to buy a waterproof backpack and bring along an extra pair of sneakers?”. Little Voice was silent but I sensed a sarcastic shrug. 

Fishing rod in hand, I cast the little plastic worm into the pond several times without a bite. That’s when there was a big splash. I dropped the small rod and ran up the embankment. The gator gave me a nasty look. I showed him that I was not to be toyed with. I threw the two soaked sneakers that were sitting on a nearby log. They splashed harmlessly in front of the gator. He sank slowly. I was transfixed. I stared for maybe thirty seconds until the nasty gator head emerged. He opened his powerful jaws to reveal the bright red sneakers. I needed no words from Little Voice. I ran into the woods. 

It was probably 95 or so- with super high humidity. I was nearly naked. I made the command decision to strip to the waist and remain conscious. I’ll live with the bug bites. Too bad I forgot the bug spray. Oh well, I’ll just eat a few more antihistamines. I think Little Voice spoke to me briefly but his voice was a little slurred. I thought I heard “stupid”. I replied- “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. 

There were a few additional minor setbacks. I used my belt as a tourniquet. The bleeding wasn’t too bad. The jagged rock I fell on only cut my arm in two places. I did find the perfect tree branch to use as a crutch. That eased the sprain pain on my left ankle. I tried to cheer up Little Voice with the observation that “Overcoming adversity has its own reward”. No response. 

Sure, a 30% chance of rain seems pretty harmless. But if you are in the path of that severe thunderstorm- it’s more than a bit inconvenient. I was soaked to the bone by the time I unfolded my tiny package with the plastic raincoat. My hair is still standing straight up after that lightning strike nearby. Are you supposed to bury yourself in a hole, crawl under a car, roll into a ball, climb up a tree to get your bearings or just yell “Help!” when a big storm comes? I tried them all except for the car since that was nowhere in sight. Little Voice was quiet. Later,somehow, I stumbled onto the Red Trail.

They were very nice in the local ER. After a couple of shots and a few stitches I was ready to go. I decided I would get the new edition of “Fifty Best Hikes” since the copyright date was 1968. I’ll get some new antihistamines too. I love the peacefulness of nature. I can’t wait for my next hike. Little Voice finally spoke- “Sure- great idea.” Was that praise or sarcasm?. 

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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2 Responses to Peace of Mind

  1. tkcmo says:

    Nice stroll on the red trail, next time listen to the voice! enjoyed the humor!


  2. talebender says:

    I’d go with sarcasm!
    Very humourous adventure, one I’m glad I only read about!


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