Mom and dad were married in St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church on the west side of Jersey City, NJ. The venue took place on a sunny day in the spring of 1954 with temperatures in the 70’s. The men came flooding into the church with their nicely pressed suits, ties and shirts. The ladies wore their fancy hats with different color flowers and gorgeous spring time dresses as they made there way up the stairs to the entrance to the church.

A white 1950 Chevy Van pulled up to the entrance to the church, A tall young man in his 20’s jumps out on the drivers side and opens the back doors. He takes out an array of flowers and brings them up the stairs in a fast paced walk to the church entrance and disappears inside.

The cars are constantly blowing their horns at traffic ahead which are cars dropping off passengers in front of the church entrance. The cars are creating a bottleneck of traffic that is slow moving. As the traffic finally dissipates in front of the church as well as the people already in the church, a long white 1953 Cadillac shows up at front. Dad, in his nicely pressed black tuxedo with a black bowtie gets out of the car by the sidewalk. He looks left and right before walking slowly up the stairs with his right hand on the railing and disappears into the church. Approximately 10 minutes later another white 1954 Cadillac shows up in front of the church. A young lady in a pink bridesmaid dress gets out of the car first while looking all around. The next lady getting out is mom with her white lavish wedding dress as it appears outside the car. As mom walks up the concrete stairs while holding on the black metal railing, the bridesmaid picks up the train of the wedding dress. The bridesmaid follows the bride into the church.

In the church flowers are located along each pew next to the middle walkway toward the alter where the priest is standing. Facing the priest, is Dad waiting for his beautiful bride to stroll down the center aisle.

The families of the groom are on the left side of the center aisle and the bride’s family on the right side. On the left and right side of the alter, flower displays standout with such beauty and color. The music starts playing as mom’s father puts his arm within hers as they get ready to walk down the aisle. Mom looks so beautiful in her illusion halter beaded lace A- Line wedding dress. As the music changes mom walks down the aisle with her dad smiling from ear to ear enjoying the fairy tale moment. Mom smiles ear to ear looking at her dad dreaming about all the good times they had in the past like horseback riding, times at the beach, birthday parties, and family gatherings. She then gazes towards the people in the pews that have been in her life like Aunt Bee who used to take her ice skating as a child. Also, her uncle Karl would take her skeet shooting at his ranch throughout her whole life. Mom also remembered other memories as she gets closer to the alter. A few minutes later she comes up to the alter where dad and the priest are waiting for her presence. Mom looks staring into his eyes thinking about what marriage will be like as well, while reflecting on the few years they have known each other. Mom and dad say their vows to each other and the priest confirms their marriage by introducing, “Mr. and Mrs. John Bornear as husband and wife”. The happy couple then walk down the aisle hand in hand as the crowd in the church are enthusiastically clapping and making noises in celebration.

How special mom and dads wedding must have been.

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5 Responses to MOM & DAD

  1. gepawh says:

    Your words are a witness to their great day! Well told!


  2. tkcmo says:

    Thank you for your response!


  3. almulstay says:

    nice story. captures the moment, well done


  4. talebender says:

    A loving recounting of what must have been a lovely day! Just imagine our parents being that young…..oh, my!


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