Second Grade

My desk, sacred – hard wood and metal in rows

Window just left – a cool frosty opaque

White light above – bright chrome with tubes that glow

The door in back – does not offer escape

The white chalk dust – trapped upon the tray

Last assignments – posted up on the wall                               

Our flag hanging – pledged by all each day

Loud commotion – from groups out in the hall                                                     

Now tough questions – answers I can only guess

I squirm in place – cold fear jabs at my heart

Avoid selection – try not to show my stress

Gaze at my feet – seeming now not so smart

I hear, very good – young man, well done, that’s right

I think, very cool – you dude, knew I was bright

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3 Responses to Second Grade

  1. gepawh says:

    I like the use of the pause to reflect. I agree with what the others have said, great use of words to affect your point!


  2. apontius18 says:

    I like your structure of starting each line with a subject or an action and then adding a descriptor or thought to each. I’d like to try that myself some day. You use great word choices to show the “coldness” of the situation and the narrator’s feelings. When the tone switches at the end, there was no need to add “warm” words because the reaction spoke for itself. Nicely written!


  3. talebender says:

    My first thought was that this kid has a very good teacher, able to see what lies beneath the surface.
    A nice poetic portrayal of awareness and empathy.


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