Bad to the Bone- Chapter 2

Paul the next day told his wife Alice that he was going to try to walk again from 9485 Triemont Dr. to the Camel Town Center in Egret Preserve which is about a 2 mile walk.

“Alice, I got my boots, hat, sunglasses, water and and a walking stick. I am also ready to make my walk to the Center”. “Enjoy and remember to be aware of your surroundings”.

Paul, strolled down the street past Fred Mert who was sitting outside in front of his house. “Fred are you cleaning the garage out because I see the lawn is filled out front with a lot of stuff”? “I have so much crap that I can’t even get out of my car when I park it “. “Fred, why don’t you hold a garage sale and whatever you don’t sell can go to the recycle center on Morris Street”. “That’s a good idea Paul, I will keep that in mind. Paul remember that Bobby Horn’s house down on the right is having his roof being replaced and there is a lot of activity in the vicinity”. Okay, this time I’ll pay attention”.

Paul increased to a steady pace towards Bobby Horn’s which had broken roof tiles all over the property. Once Paul came to the front of Bobby’s house, Bobby yelled at Paul to watch out for flying roof tiles being thrown from the roof top. Paul let out a loud scream when the tile hit the back of his head and Paul fell to the ground. “Gosh Paul are you okay. I see you have a cut on your face on your left cheek”. “I think I am okay Bobby, as Paul rolled over and stood up on his own. “I’ll get you some bandages and ointment”. So Paul got some bandages on his face with ointment as well as some water to drink. “Thanks Bobby and hopefully my luck will change”. Paul then strolled down towards the Center with his head up feeling confident now.

Paul then approached Mrs. Jones and asked if she and John were eating dinner with him and Alice tonight? “Yes I spoke to your wife and we are eating at Casablonca’s at 6 P.M. , what happened to your face Paul? I see you have a bandage on your left cheek”. “I had an accident, but I am feeling better now, thank you. We’ll see you and John tonight at 6 P.M”. “Sounds great”. Paul then strolled in a faster pace now and got to the end of the street across from the preserves. He looked both ways and crossed the street.

“Hello Mary, Bob, and Salley” as Paul approached them on the walkway in the preserves. Mary, Bob, and Salley were petite, light skinned, jet black haired friends out for a walk. “I hope all of you are having an enjoyable walk this sunny day”. “Beautiful day in the 80’s with plenty of sun and enjoying my walk with my buds Bob and Salley”. “Watch out for pond #5 today, there is a lot of activity in that I saw some alligators, turtles, and snakes along the edge of the shoreline”. ” Thanks Bob, I will keep my eyes pierced, keep my walking stick close and I’m packing with my 357 magnum”. The pond was about 20 square acres. “Gosh I see about 3 alligators along the edge of the west side of the pond. I am going to move more swiftly in a fast paced manner. Hey that 3rd alligator is moving toward my right side”. “Paul watch out for that 6 foot alligator on your right side”, said Bob Hilton a short broad shouldered middle aged man with a light skinned complexion. Paul, poked the alligator with the walking stick because the animal was too close and started hissing at Paul. Crack, crack and crack as Paul fired his 357 magnum at the aggressive alligator who then turned over and laid dead on his back. Paul fired about 3 shots between the eyes. “Wow that was really close. That alligator came within a foot of my feet. Thank God I had my 357 magnum on me”. “Great shot Paul and that alligator was really aggressive towards you”. “Thanks Bob for the warning”. “See you later Paul and I hope your walk is less adventuresome “. “Thank you, I only have another mile to the center”. Paul finally got past the preserves and felt pretty good about himself for getting by some tough areas.

Paul now only needed to get past the golf course to get to the center. “Hey Paul nice to see you today. Are you making the trek to the center”? “Yes Harold and watch out for the alligators in the preserves, I had to shoot one dead. He came at me and I gave him 3 shots to the head”. Harold is a tall man, light complexion, mid-30’s and living with mom and dad. “Great Paul, thanks for the information”.

Paul came upon the Nicholas golf course with 2 holes parallel with the walking path. “Hello Paul how is Alice doing these days, is she still playing pickleball with the ladies on Tuesday morning”? “Oh yeah Janice, she plays 3 times a week with the 4.0 players”. Janice is a short, dark- skinned woman with sub-par athletic ability. “I won’t play with her because she is too good. Watch out for the golf balls, Paul. This stretch of the walkway before the Camel Town Center is very dangerous”. “I will be careful Janice and good luck with pickleball”. Paul walked about 400 more feet and was only 1/4 mile from the Center now. All of a sudden he heard somebody yell “four” and the next thing he felt a sharp pain on the nape of his neck. He shrugged off being hit by the golf ball and strutted towards the center. “I can’t believe I made it to the town center after being hit by the golf ball, an aggressive alligator and getting hit on the head with a roof tile.

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1 Response to Bad to the Bone- Chapter 2

  1. gepawh says:

    A harrowing stroll for sure, with great touches of relatability.


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