One Ringy Dinghy


     Oh what the heck, everyone googles themselves at some time or another, don’t they?  So why shouldn’t I call myself?  Would it mess up my cell phone? Mmm, I highly doubt it.  I would think that I’d get a busy signal at the worst.  Oh right, phones don’t do busy signals any more (thank goodness!).  I will most likely get my voice mail recording giving my phone number, then saying, “I’m sorry I can’t answer your call right now, but if you leave a message I will get back to you as soon as possible.”  This will be followed by the usual beep and then I can leave a voice mail for myself.  It could be a reminder such as, “remember to take the ground beef out of the freezer for tacos tonight.” 

Wow! An intriguing thought just occurred to me — I can be my very own nag! Yep, I could nag myself silly by leaving myself voicemails throughout the day!  “Remember to pick up prescription.” Or, “We’re out of paper towels.” Or, “Make that dental appointment A.S.A.P.! Do you enjoy suffering with that toothache?”

     Well, mercy me, I do believe I am on to something!

     Alrighty then, here goes …. Mmm hmm, it’s ringing… ringing…  click (oh, connection???).  “Hi, Janis. I’m so glad you called. I just wanted to remind you, myself, and us to marinate the chicken as soon as we get home so it’s good to grill by 5pm. Thanks. Bye.” Click.

     Wait, wha…?

About jannray

retired children's librarian for public library (2nd career); retired elementary teacher (1st career). I like to "dabble" in watercolor, acrylic painting, stained glass, glass mosaic, pottery, sketching, sewing, woodworking, writing (of course), and yes, I do read as well.
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2 Responses to One Ringy Dinghy

  1. gepawh says:

    Well done! After reading this I called myself! Clever thoughts.


  2. talebender says:

    Aha! A quirky twist to the narrative, nicely played.
    But I did love the hoped-for premise that we could nag ourselves.


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