A Bou World

Once upon a time, in the land of dirt, there was a little bou.  For those who don’t know, that is spelled B, O, U but pronounced almost like the bow in bowtie.  The little bou was young and full of energy.  He wanted to go out and explore the world.

The little bou lived below the surface with many brothers and sisters.  He did not like that they lived in such a dark place.  He heard so much about the wonderful bright sunshine.  The little bou longed for the day he could bask in the bright sun.  Alas, he was too young.  He was not allowed to go out.  This made him sad.  He grumbled to himself thinking gosh, why do I have to stay under the surface all the time.  I’m so tired of this.  I’m not allowed to do anything fun.  His plan to go out, above the surface, was to plead with dad.  So he did.  Day after day he would ask, “Dad, can I go with you tomorrow?  I’m big enough.  Can I go with you, please”?

Finally, one fine day his father agreed.  Well son, if want to go, you have to promise me you will do everything just as I say.  Our colony has very strict rules.  When we go out, we travel in a line and you must stay in the line.  Once above the surface, we will walk a very long way.  You must keep up.  When we get to the place where the leaders have found food, you will be given some food, but you’re not allowed to eat there.  It will be very heavy.  You must carry the food all the way home. If you think you can do that, then you can come.

The little bou was thrilled.  I can do that, and I can stay in line.  Dad, I do my exercises every day, I’m getting very strong.  I can lift very heavy things. 

Son, there is one other thing you should know.  A good bou never bites anything.  We’re not like the reds.  They are fiery, annoying, angry little things.  When they see intruders, they get very mad. They’ve been known to bite.  It’s terrible behavior.  We’re not like that. 

The little bou said, “I’ll be good, I won’t bite”.

The next day was everything the little bou hoped for.  He followed, dad.  He did everything as he was told.  Coming back, he stayed in line, marching along until they all scurried under the surface.  He exclaimed, “Mom, I had the best day ever”.  I went with Dad.  We went in a line and walked and walked and walked.  Then, the leaders gave me a huge morsel and I carried it all the way home.  It was so much fun.  

Mom, I’m just confused about one thing.  There were giants all around us.  We had to scurry out of the way to keep from being stomped on.  They walked and talked to each other.  But they don’t call us bou.  The giants use a different name for us.  Why don’t they use our correct name?

Oh, that.  It’s because they have the same alphabet as us, but their alphabet is one letter off.  Every letter is shifted by one place.  So they call you an ant.  That’s ok.  You are my favorite bou. 

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2 Responses to A Bou World

  1. gepawh says:

    Very creative. You effectively have your readers rooting for “Little Bou”


  2. talebender says:

    Very creative, especially with the alphabet shift. And, having been bitten by some of those red ‘bous’, I agree with your assessment of them!


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