Here We Go Again

I’ve been absent far to long. Oftentimes I express self regret for absconding without reason or excuse. I have kept up with the Writers Group through the blessings of the technology age.

Despite advancing age and increasing infirmities my intent is to “get back in it” from this moment on.

But, already I’m thinking, in making this intent known really restricting my freedom? is it imposing a question upon me of , why? Why am I doing this? Does anybody really care if I write something each week?

We’ll I’m going to give it a shot, again.

Joining the “Thin blue line” way back in 1967 imposed on me first of all an oath. So, from that moment on, I was to be ever faithful and vigilant to the enforcement of the law. “Without fear or favor” was a reserved mantra of a sort.

Then love and marriage came my way and there it was again at the alter. In front of family and friends …”from this moment forward, my fidelity.”

Children are forever. You’ve heard that one for sure. So from the moment of the first born it is love and caring from… this moment on. Oh yes. We’ve watched our three kids now all in their forties go from diapers to diplomas and backyards to bold ventures.

Now the grandkids are giving us a second chance to impart our lessons learned and hopefully they carry that advice … from this moment on.

Life starts anew each day we wake up to see the sunrise, smell the coffee, hear the morning doves croon their morning call. The routine, the ordinary will happen along with the mishap, the unexpected, and even the shocking as the wonder of life takes its turn… from this moment on.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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3 Responses to Here We Go Again

  1. talebender says:

    Great to have the Calumet Kid back in the fold! Looking forward to more.


  2. gepawh says:

    Forget not Joe, “from this moment on…no worries. When moved you write, when not… nice job on the prompt!

    Liked by 1 person

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