Walter Finds True Love

Walter approached the counter with a mixture of joy and fear. He had eyed her for several weeks but he didn’t actually reach out to her. He just stood back and admired her perfection. He loved her lines and form. He softly said “God’s work” in his head. He had studied and admired her from afar. His passion smoldered, ready to flare now with explosive excitement. He would soon shed his sad, lonely life. 

He wondered often if he really was worthy of her. He simply didn’t have the polish and confidence of others. She deserved the best and she probably expects it. I see handsome dudes, muscular and tanned eyeing her. One guy gave her a slight smile then walked away with his buddy. They were just toying with her. I hate them. They think they are too good for her. She knows she is ready to run from this place.

He struggled for years to have the courage to do it, but today he felt ready. Walter stared at her with firm, strong eyes. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t pretend to look elsewhere. He knew they belonged together. After a short interaction she was at his side and they strode confidently to Walter’s almost new Hyundai Selectra with sunroof and heated seats. She was free from this place and with Walter at last. He hoped he could live up to her expectations. 

At his place, Walter set up a drink and some light jazz to relax and be with one another at peace. There’s no place here for doubt or worry. Just be in the moment. He stroked her gently and whispered “You’re beautiful”. Later as his eyes slowly closed his last vision was her stunning beauty resting softly on the pillow.

Morning came and they walked the short distance. It was about 50 degrees but sunny. Puffy white clouds sped along guiding their way. In the mall, others were busily hunting for valentine gifts on this gorgeous late winter day. Little children were begging to go to the food court for ice cream. Young couples were strolling about arm in arm, glancing at bracelets and earrings in store windows. 

An old couple walked unsteadily to Starbucks for their regular morning coffee and danish. A couple of young men were debating about which was the best sneakers- one insisted on the Jordan 500 for its outstanding traction and support. He won’t be needing them. A blind person walked with a girlfriend, escorted by his helping dog. The dog gave Walter quite a long look. Walter stared back at him and the dog departed with the couple.

With her at his side, Walter was able to really walk about with confidence. He took in the warm sun shining through the skylights, the music playing quietly, the stores’ sale signs and a few cracks in the aging floor tiles. He thought- “They really should do better maintenance here if they expect to attract customers”. 

Walter reached into his backpack and withdrew one of four magazines with 30 rounds each. He opened his jacket and took her slowly out of the shoulder holster. After a soft click as the magazine locked in place, it was time. Together, Walter and his true love will make history in a few moments. 

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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2 Responses to Walter Finds True Love

  1. leeroc3 says:

    I love a good love story


  2. talebender says:

    Yikes!! All too true, I’m afraid! Nicely disguised, though, right to the end.


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