The Bar

“Man, we should have left that party hours before we did. My head won’t be right for a week. How are you doing?”

“Oh, come on Perry. It wasn’t that late. Besides, when I got home, I slept like a baby.”

“Of course you did. I imagine the lady I saw you leave with rocked you right to sleep. What I want to know is how could a dude who looks like you land someone that looks like her? She must have been in worse shape than we were.”

“Well, smart ass, had you been just a little soberer, you would have noticed that she left by herself. For whatever reason, she asked me to introduce you to her when you’re sober. Guess she lacks good sense, or she’s mostly blind.”

“Seriously, Jack? She wants to meet me? Wow, she could be the one. My future bride! So, what did you tell her? Where and when am I going to meet my soulmate?”

“My, my, Perry. What happened to the guy with an aching head? Guess you found a miracle cure.”

“Oh, my head still hurts, but I’ll be just fine by the time I see her. So, what’s her name and where are we going to meet her?”

“Slow down, we have time. Her name is Alice, and she wants us to join he at a place called The Bar. She works there as a waitress. She gets off at six. I told her we’d be there unless you were still recovering.”

“Ugh, not another bar. I hope we have plenty of aspirin. I’m going to need them. Is it a classy place or a honky-tonk?”

“I don’t know. Guess we’ll find out together.”

The hours dragged on as Perry was split between anticipation and recovery. He wanted to make a positive impression but didn’t think it would be possible in his slowly improving condition. Just the thought of spending time in a bar made him nauseous. No matter what his condition was, he was determined to be the best that he could be.

Perry and Jack pulled into The Bar’s parking lot and were stunned by the number of cars there. Even more surprising was the line of people waiting to get in. At six o’clock it looked like everyone in town was there. They got out of the car and stood at the back of the line directly behind a couple that must have been in their eighties.

The old gentleman turned to them and smiled. “I hope we get in before the early bird specials are done.”

The boys looked at each other, bemused at the old guy’s remark, and were about to ask him to explain when a side door opened and she walked out. Alice was dressed in tight jeans and a T-shirt that clung in all the right places. Perry was dumbstruck by her beauty.

“I was hoping I’d find you boys out here. Who’s your friend, Jack?”

Jack gave Perry a slight nudge forward. “Alice, this is the drunk that wasn’t in any shape last night to meet anyone. His name is Perry.”

Perry shot a quick glare at his friend. “Thanks for the great intro, bro.” Then turning to Alice, “Hi, Alice. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been looking forward to it all day. I know we just met, but can I ask a favor?”

“You can ask, but I’m not making any promises.”

“Do you mind if we go somewhere that’s not a bar? I’m still a little queasy after last night.”

Alice let out a flirtatious laugh and replied, “Why don’t you follow me inside and look around. If you’re not comfortable, we can go someplace else. Okay?”

The three entered through the employee door, passed through a corridor, and out into the main dining room. The Bar got its name from the all-inclusive salad bar that ran the entire length of the back wall. There was no alcohol anywhere. Just soda and iced tea.

Perry knew she was the one.

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2 Responses to The Bar

  1. talebender says:

    Never tried the salad bar at Alice’s restaurant, but I used to go to Ruby’s every Tuesday…
    Enjoyed how you told the story through the characters’ conversations!


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