I was a catastrophic event that caused the great change. like an asteroid hitting the earth or mulcible volcanic eruptions and hurricanes, but it came quietly like a cat in the night. A slow insidious virus whose origin is yet unknown slowly took over the cerebral functions of every human on the planet save one. That would be me. Why you might ask? But there is no answer. Some natural selection process, a purpose by design, or just some random fluke of nature giving me the 8 billion to one shot that caused me to be the only person alive that couldn’t read other people’s minds, but they could surely read mine.

The first time I really was made aware of this was when I was at cocktail party admiring a very attractive woman wearing a beautiful dress. I was thinking things I probably shouldn’t when a booming voice behind me screamed WHAT DO THINK YOUR DOING? Thats my wife you’re thinking about you perve.This was as new to me as it was for him and everyone else in the room. All virgin territory.

In time came an uncomfortable adjustment to my situation. I tried to put a spin on it my attempting to make my mind only to think thoughts that I could screen and thus make them susceptible to those around me. Well, that didn’t work. People saw right thru me. I realized though that reasonable distance seem to dissolve other’s ability to read my mind. The farther away the less the ability.

I decided to move as far as I could to the other side of the Earth to the remote rainforest community of the EOW people.Fortunatly they took me in. I spent many years with them. Although they could read my mind nothing registered because my thoughts were all in English. As I assimilated into EOW culture English became a secondary language and eventually my thoughts were all in EOW.English completely faded from my mind.

Now same problem that drove me here would be the catalyst that would have me return home but now with a complete EOW linguistic brain. The EOW people were on to me and it was time to move on.

When I got back home things had changed except for the ability for others in close proxity to read my mind. But all they could decern were words of a remote and distant language. As it happened, I was invited to another cocktail party and again spied an extremely attractive woman..PAGU PAGU NEEEEEAAT I thought.

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2 Responses to Pagu Pagu NEEEEEAAT!!

  1. talebender says:

    Regardless the language, I guess our thoughts are quite similar after all. Loved how you cycled back to the attractive woman at the party. Very imaginative!


  2. gepawh says:

    Hah! Funny story! Perhaps your wife had it right in the first place. Very entertaining.


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