OUR DESTINY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I’m not sure that I ever spent much time thinking about my destiny. Living day to day and doing what seemed to be natural was my lifestyle. Looking ahead to writing about destiny it was important to read about destiny.  After reading and thinking about destiny I realized how important it was to live in America. For those of us living in a democracy with such great freedoms permitted us to make choices. What I am today and what I may be tomorrow is a result of my freedom to make decisions. Thank God, I live in a Democracy where I have such wonderful freedoms. My destiny will be a result of the decisions of the past and the future.                                                                                                                       I can sit back and feel good about the good decisions I made in life. It’s no fun thinking about the poor decisions I made but it surely serves a purpose. I can only grow by reflecting on the errors. If I fail to reflect on the bad decisions I made and generally disregard the results I probably will continue down the same road. Good decisions open ups new roads.                                                                                                  Where do we learn about decisions? For most of us growing up, observing and listening to our parents, teachers, family, friends or mentors influence our making decisions based on truth and moral values. That is a foundation and building block. Sadly, many children become adults and missed that guidance. Having someone to talk with prior to making some judgement is invaluable. History records the many societies where freedom, truth and honor were put aside and their demise.                                                       I’m guessing that many of the people in custody today can look back on their life and remember the small but often repetitive poor decisions that led to their current situation. Having an elder or good friend to tell you the dangers of a bad decision is so important. Learning that truth, while difficult, is necessary for a society to travel the road from birth to death.                                                                             When it’s all over wouldn’t it be nice to think you tried your best and crossed the line with honor.                                                                                                                             

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1 Response to OUR DESTINY

  1. talebender says:

    I like the premise here that we can learn from pondering our mistakes. And I like the optimism that shines through your work.


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