BAD TABLE FOR ED The company production center was made up of all the trades. Each of the particular trades worked as a team. The Electricians at noon each day would break for lunch and had their own lunch room. The same for Plumbers, Machinists, Carpenters and general laborers. It was a long time tradition, which resulted in developing friendships and team work benefits. Most of the conversations at lunch time involved sports and once in a while politics. It was also a good time for questions on “how to” which the senior members usually had the answer. At the carpenter lunch room each member had their own chair that only they could use. Ed Mancini went so far as to bring an old leather chair from his garage into the lunch room and made it known that no one except he could sit in it. Most lunch times ten to twelve carpenters sat at lunch. They each brought a metal lunch box with their sandwich and drink. Ed’s best friend Tom Brennan knew how Ed loved that old chair. Tom kidded around with Ed on a regular basis. Ed would sometimes get to the lunchroom early and empty Tom’s lunch box into his own lunch box. All the guys would have a good laugh on Tom. Tom came up with his idea of having fun with Ed. Everyday at quitting time Tom would be the last to leave. With everyone gone Tom would turn Ed’s chair over and shave of 1/4 inch on each chair leg. He told all the other carpenters who gradually watched Ed’s chair go lower and lower. They all watched and had a tough time not laughing as Ed had more difficult reaching the table. Finally after about ten days Ed was trying to eat soup and spilled it on his shirt. The lunch room burst into laughter and Tom told Ed what he did. While they all clapped and laughed Tom gave Ed a hug and told him he had ordered the new chair legs so Ed would forgive him. It was all done with love.

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2 Responses to BAD TABLE FOR ED

  1. talebender says:

    Great practical joke! We should all have friends like Ed and Tom.
    Nicely done.


  2. gepawh says:

    Tom is very funny! Happy Ed has a great sense of humor.


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