Some of the Trials That Old Age Will Bring

(This is the piece I have written for the Stroll Magazine. To be read or sung to the cadence or tune of Favorite Things)

Arthritis, knee, hip, and shoulder replacement,

Of these aging issues, do not be complacent.

Hammer toes, callouses, bunions, and things,

Some of the trials that old age will bring.

Bifocals, trifocals, exams and eyeglasses

Cataract surgery rids one of these hassles.

Tripping and falling are other “fun” things.

These are the trials that old age will bring.

Tooth loss and implants and dentures and bridges,

Age spots and bald spots prevail against wishes.

Ear hair and nose hair are so annoying!

These are the trials that old age will bring.

When the joints creak,

When the back aches,

Are these years called GOLD?

I simply remember my agile young self,

And then I don’t feel so old.

About jannray

retired children's librarian for public library (2nd career); retired elementary teacher (1st career). I like to "dabble" in watercolor, acrylic painting, stained glass, glass mosaic, pottery, sketching, sewing, woodworking, writing (of course), and yes, I do read as well.
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1 Response to Some of the Trials That Old Age Will Bring

  1. talebender says:

    This would be hilarious if only it weren’t so true! Well done!
    And now you’ve left me with an ‘earworm’!


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