Urgent Deadline

There would be no extension, no do-over, no second chance. I jogged along the boardwalk glancing back to see the restaurant’s strings of lights slowly fading off in the distance. The lights and music flowed over the beach in celebration. I wanted to remain part of it, but I was on a mission. I knew I could do this and still make it back in time. 

The moon was rising off shore and the stars twinkled in a nearly clear sky. In spite of this peaceful scene I rushed on. I glanced down at my watch and studied the numbers that danced about in a blur. Thirty eight minutes. I took a sudden right onto the dock, quickening my pace. With each stride I heard a great thud as the boards gave way a bit under my weight. The docked boats rocked rhythmically with each wave. The “Belle Tolls” was just ahead. 

I rushed down the few steps to the cabin. The light over the desk beckoned me to hurry. The laptop computer sat at the ready. I flung myself into the chair, sliding backwards several inches before righting myself and rushing forward into the battle. 

My fingers flew into action and words flowed magically onto the page. The computer alerted me about spelling and grammar problems. There seemed to be more than the usual number of these corrections as the clock moved on. It figures. I am in a huge hurry. Twenty four minutes and 30 seconds. I reviewed it. This paragraph is all wrong. Blue highlight. Delete. Replace. Now, it just doesn’t work with the whole. Nineteen minutes. I curse under my breath and yell “No!” to a dispassionate screen. Delete all.

The pages re-emerge with renewed speed and clarity. It’s working. I will make the deadline. Final readings and corrections bring me to the two minute warning. Yes, I will make it. I highlight the materials and send it off to the front lines while I type the email address and subject line. With a few clicks the manuscript flies onto the screen joining the email. I hope the address is correct. There’s no time for a correction. Twenty four seconds. I take a deep breath and hit “send”. It’s done. I made it with time to spare. 

I am spent. But I have one more task to complete tonight. I return to the boardwalk and jog back briskly. I will soon give the bride and groom a toast. I will urge them to set goals and to never miss critical deadlines, like the one for the Florida Weekly Writers Challenge. Cheers!

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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4 Responses to Urgent Deadline

  1. I like your take on the image and eternal struggle of creativity with real life demands.


  2. talebender says:

    Great description of writing to deadline…..especially the way your chair skidded backwards in your haste. Loved the name of your boat, too…..furthered the sense of urgency you were conveying.


    • leeroc3 says:

      This is a semi-true story. I just missed the deadline for the Florida Weekly Writers Challenge last week, by a few hours. That set off my response to their latest photo prompt. This time, the story was sent on time! This was a bit of a poke at the writer’s self absorption and the tough balance of creativity with real life demands. This time it all worked out.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    Beautifully descriptive, I jogged with you and saw the blurred numbers. Great build up of tension in his writing. Well done!


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