Aiding and Abetting

When are we aiding and abetting in a crime? Could it include when it is in our power and fail to act? Is this also misfeasance or malfeasance? Legal experts may indicate that failure to act is not a crime. I disagree. As a citizen of this country I expect that representatives of the Government have a clear and definite duty to protect us. Especially our children. When we deliver our children to the local school we are turning over that responsibility to those in charge. We expect that they are safe and will come home after a day of learning. Recent surveys indicate that 90% of Americans are in favor of universal background checks prior to purchase of a firearm. Our elected senators are clearly not interested what we the people desire. Maybe it is time to look at those representatives and the system they work under which causes them to not understand the problem. They really know what is needed however they choose not to act. They know their constituents back home want them to act. The system within the “PARTY” and their desire to remain in office give them concrete feet. As citizens with the ability to vote we could vote them out during the next election. That is a temporary solution. Recognizing the power of the “PARTY” leaders requires us to understand their lack of courage. The best answer for us is to have the term of office limited. Some will say that is too severe. If we look back into history many of the early representatives did not hang on to the job but returned to their districts and continued working for a living. A term of office limited to two terms could reduce the power of the “PARTY” leaders and give them freedom to vote their conscience. “WE THE PEOPLE”

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