The Best Light

THE BEST LIGHT I was frustrated with my attempt to learn how to play the guitar. I loved music and always wished I had some kind of musical skill. It is not easy and I couldn’t understand how other students could get their fingers to land exactly on top of the proper cords. I decided it was time for some physical activity and headed out for a hike. Nearby there is a fairly steep mountain named The White Mountains of New Hampshire. I rode my bicycle about 6 miles to the foot of a good trail and checked my backpack for the usual things like first aid gear, rain gear, extra socks, my cellphone, snack bars, water canister, a knife, and a last minute idea a sweater. It was late November and cool nights started to occur. The hike went well for the first hour then the sky rapidly darkened and thunder was not far off. I continued on the mountain climb and rock surface became more difficult. I found myself breathing hard and sweating. A cold wind gradually developed and I thought about turning back. I noticed I was near the end of the tree line, I checked my cell phone and it was close to 4pm. I decided to go back and gradually headed down the mountain. Not long ago I had sprained my ankle playing tennis and it wasn’t fully healed. Coming up the mountain was actually easier. I had to move carefully as the rock surface going down required occasional jumps. On one of the jumps I misjudged the landing and my weak ankle gave way. I ended up rolling down a steep embankment but luckily my backpack was secure. The best thing now was to evaluate my next move. There was considerable pain in my left ankle.  I retrieved my cell phone to call my best hiking partner. No service indicated. From my location which I estimated to be at 5000 feet on the east side of the mountain the sun would soon be setting. There was no way I was going to continue the hike. I started thinking of things I should’ve done, like leave a note on where I was going. My girlfriend was to supposed to come over for pizza and we planned on watching OZARK on tv. I decided to yell for help. That yelling landed on deaf ears, not many people hike as it starts to get dark. It was getting cool but at least it wasn’t raining. I unpacked the backpack and put on the sweater and rain jacket to stay warm. I put the extra pair of socks on my hands and the empty backpack on my head as a hat. It was ging to be a long night. I never slept a wink and found myself praying for the morning. It seemed to take forever and the sounds of the night were strange. I must have dozed off just before dawn. The most beautiful colorful light woke me it was sunrise rising over the mountain. I knew things were going to be fine.(edited)

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2 Responses to The Best Light

  1. gepawh says:

    I agree. The dawning of a new day does inspire Hope!


  2. talebender says:

    A harrowing tale, for sure, and I felt drawn along the trail. Glad you survived to see the dawn!


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