The Wonderful Life Tree

Sure, hatred and division does sell. We are drawn to it like a magnet. It certainly makes a lot of money for those at the top. Although hatred and division can provide a moment of security and even a nice pile of money, it really isn’t a good foundation for the future of mankind. I have an idea. The Wonderful Life Tree may just be the anecdote. Please don’t send me death threats. Just hear me out.

I propose that folks immediately start a Wonderful Life Tree. Well, it doesn’t have to be an actual tree. It can be a cardboard tree. It can be a dead limb sitting in your backyard planted in the ground or brought inside. It could be a picture of a tree hanging on a wall. It can be a large box with a picture of a tree painted on it. It can be a virtual tree online. 

OK, now that we have the tree, what about the ornaments? That’s easy. Anything that has a personal connection to your life, preferably a happy or cherished memory. It can be a photo, a drawing or a poem. It can be a memento such as an old stuffed animal, a small lego creation, a Ben and Jerry’s box, your high school ring, a key from your first car, a postcard, an old concert ticket stub or a fishing lure. 

What about traditional ornaments? Well, that is fine too. But leave room on your tree for these Wonderful Life ornaments. Generally the traditional tree gets a short glance and a single sentence comment- “Nice ttree, as usual”. With the Wonderful Life Tree you will be drawn in by the mystery and the need to know- “What was that key for?”

Here’s the kicker. Don’t confine your tree to your living room. It won’t be really seen. The Wonderful Life Tree needs to be in the middle of things. It can be in a kitchen, hallway or front yard. Sure, the holidays are commercialized. So, let’s have Wonderful Life Trees in shopping malls, grocery stores, bowling alleys, doctors’ waiting rooms and nursing home hallways. Let people decorate the trees with their own ornaments. 

Instead of being locked into our own little world view, we might see the humanity of others. We might appreciate the experiences, the culture, the values and the family life of others. The Wonderful Life Tree is not tied to any religion or nation. It can be displayed anytime, anywhere. 

So, please pass it on. Start a movement in your home, neighborhood, workplace, Don’t wait for the Senate to assign a committee to investigate the Wonderful Tree movement. Go viral. Be full of wonder with your Life is Wonderful Tree.

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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3 Responses to The Wonderful Life Tree

  1. gepawh says:

    Reminiscent of the “tree of troubles” story I heard years ago. We are all quite fortunate!


  2. talebender says:

    Must say I wonder what stories we’d get on this theme from the poverty-stricken, the forced migrants, the war victims, the undocumented workers, the abused, etc. we are, indeed, fortunate.


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    I think Jimmy Stewart would love the idea and so do I!! It’s so easy to forget that in spite of all the problems we really do have a wonderful life. Thanks for reminding us!


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