Just the two of us.

I arrived at the apartment complex on a warm June afternoon. I was there to consider moving in with a buddy to share the costs of housing in the suburb of Detroit. His former roommate was transferred out and I was transferred in to the outfit we all worked for.

So I looked at the pool and there were several youthful girls and a few guys taking dips and spreading suntan lotion on themselves and each other.

I unloaded a few possessions and got into my swim trunks and sauntered out to the pool and slipped into the cooling water.

Moments later one of the ladies breaststroked out to the middle and with a special smile said hello and, “my name is Sue, and yours”? “Joe”, I said.

“Ok Joe, we’re having a little party in 223 tomorrow after work, we’d like to see you there. Please come”!

Well, with such a cheerful invite I just had to go. My 4 day weekend would just be starting. I said, “sure I’ll stop buy. I’m moving into 93 just across the way.

Now, 50 years later, yes that’s half of a century, we’re still married with a million memories, thousands of pictures, hundreds of laughs, a few sorrows to be sure, three children, 5 grand children, and now, again, still just the 2 of us. Our wedding dance song was “We’ve only just begun” seems prophetic after all this time as it continues, “just the two of us”!

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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3 Responses to Just the two of us.

  1. gepawh says:

    A sweet tale of love, devoid of drama!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    What a nice, romantic story—glad it’s worked out so well. I liked the way you described your times together in the last paragraph. Congratulations!!


  3. talebender says:

    Great to see your stuff online again! And what a wonderful memoir it is. What a lucky guy you are…..and okay, I’ll concede Sue is a lucky gal!


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