Just Hit Send

Hi Suzanne. Or should I say Natasha.  Ha. Ha. You picked a great name for yourself- very American. I can picture you strumming your banjo on your knee as you’re coming around the mountain. Ha. Ha. And your name for me is great too. “Lee” was a great idea- short, easy to spell and strong. Very good. Much better than Boris which is fine for the homeland. 

Anyway, in your last email, as the leader of our writers’ group you get to select the topic of the week- the prompt we all write about. I liked your suggestion that we should write a spy story. That should be easy for us. Ha. Ha. Nobody would suspect we are agents planted in Pelican Preserve to collect data about aging Americans. I, for one, am bored with talk of knee replacements and colonoscopies. Really. And what about this silly game called Pickleball? Where do they come up with this stuff? Now I could see learning some practical skills like ax throwing and poisoning. 

I think we were right years ago when we saw the downfall of Capitalism. Eventually the top 1% as they call it here, will drive the rest to the Revolution. I must say that the average citizen here is pretty repulsed by rules  though- even good ones. They might not fall into line like our comrades. But then again they might just die off from eating fast food and inventing medication. I kid you not. At a certain network they are promoting anti-worm medication used for horses as a cure for Covid. You can’t buy the stuff now. It’s off the shelves and poison control center business is booming. The poor horses. I guess that’s the cost of “freedom”. 

That reminds me of the joke about the Supreme Dictator, the priest and the horse going into the bar. The Supreme Dictator orders a bottle of vodka for each of them. After several toasts to Lenin and numerous off-key work songs the horse slams his hoof on the bar to order another bottle. The priest says, “That’s enough for you, my son”. Then the horse replies “I’m not your son”. Then the Supreme Dictator says “No, your MY son”.  I hope you haven’t heard that one yet. Don’t send that one back in your report. What happens in Pelican stays in Pelican. Ha. Ha. Let’s see, I put my bottle of vodka down somewhere…. Never mind. 

We have done well, comrade, in infiltrating the clubs and groups of the old folks here. I don’t think we are suspected at all. I am concerned about the fellow in our little group that supposedly drives tour buses. And the fellow who smokes and used to drive bakery trucks in the old days. They are probably CIA. Be careful. Then there’s poetry and songs. I have been trying to break the code but no luck so far. 

Well, as you have instructed, I will sign up for the Residence Alliance here at PP. This would be a ticket to their governing committees. Then It’s on to city council, then state rep, then work for the governor of the second largest state. I hope we are successful in establishing Vodka as the national drink. It seems to work well in the Homeland. 

I’ll hit send now. Do svidaniya.

Boris, aka Lee, Ha. Ha.

OOPS, I accidentally hit “reply to all” .

I hope you all had a good laugh. We psychologists appreciate a good joke. Cheers. A tip of the glass  to you. Not vodka-  It’s Miller time! Go Mets! God Bless America!

About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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3 Responses to Just Hit Send

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very creative and a fun mention of our group members and possible motives! Great job of bringing in current news and spy thrillers into our little community here! Well done!!


  2. talebender says:

    I hereby submit my resignation to this traitorous, subversive group of PP writers…..wait, what? This piece was satirical? In jest? Not real? Ahhh…..
    Nicely done!


  3. gepawh says:

    Very funny, Boris. Both, the tour bus driver and the smoker were forced by the KGB to join, Local 12, the international union of spies, crooks, etc! You and Natasha have successfully penetrated every segment of the society! “Vashe zdorov’ye! (Cheers)


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