She was beside herself with grief and fear. She didn’t know what to do. Vinnie had been missing for over a month. She had gone to the police, but they did nothing. Out of desperation she contacted a private investigator, named David Jansson. 

She called, “Is this the office of David L. Jansson, a private investigator?” 

“My name is Mary T. Moore, his receptionist. How may we help you?” 

She related a history of a great deal of research she had done and questions she had asked of her friends and co-workers. Nothing! “I would like to make an appointment to see Mr. Jansson, please.”

“Of course. What can we do to help you?”

“My husband has been missing for over a month! I need help!”

“Mr. Jansson has an opening this coming Friday. Will that be okay with you?”

“Yes, yes, anything!”

“Fine. We’ll see you Friday at ten AM.” She answered all the receptionist questions and hung up. She was early for her appointment, but she was ushered right in.

Mr. Jansson was a large man, over six foot five inches, she estimated. “Pleased to meet you Ms. Barbarino. How may I be of service?” 

“My husband left for work as he usually did and I haven’t seen nor heard from him since. He never reported for work. Nobody has seen or heard a thing.”

“Do you have a recent photo?”

“Yes. Here.”

“A good-looking man, I dare say. Is there anything else that may be helpful? Is he a gambler? Does he have any strange friends or acquaintances? Any bit of information would help.”

“No, nothing like that. He worked hard five days a week and was never late returning home. On weekends we did everything together.”

“Who did he work for?”

“The accounting firm of Bratton, Johns, Hopkins and Giuliani”

“Okay, Ms. Barbarino, I think that’s enough for now. We will do our absolute best. We’ll be in contact as soon as we find out anything.”

She returned home, opened the front door and immediately spied an envelope on the floor. She tore it open and read, “Your husband is responsible for the death of my only son. Someone has to pay the price of revenging his death. I have no problem with killing either of you. Your choice. Leave your reply on the floor where you found this note and leave your house for several hours. Keep in mind, we are watching you at all time. One slip-up and you both die!”

She thought to herself, “I’m not dying for that SOB, after forty years of a boring marriage. When she returned home her reply was gone. She called the police and Jansson. They said little could be done. She was never contacted again! She happily gave up ever seeing her husband.

After a period of time, her husband was declared legally dead. Surprisingly, he had taken out a $200,000 life insurance policy. With the proceeds form that policy, she decided to take a long vacation on the island of Bimini. There she rendezvoused with her lover who devised the entire scam to kill her husband, dispose of the body and collect the insurance.

He was there to meet her as her plane landed. They were immediately surrounded by police and taken into custody! It seemed the private eye uncovered this ugly murder plot and alerted the police.

She and her lover were convicted of kidnapping and murder. They were sentenced to long jail terms. With good behavior they were able to get out earlier. The insurance money was never found. 

“Maybe we could scam some other couple. Why not?”

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4 Responses to MISSING

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’ll be waiting for the sequel so we can find out what happened to the insurance money! Also love the names and their links to the past, especially the accounting firm’s title.


  2. pales62 says:

    Joe Pesci was unavailable.


  3. talebender says:

    Grifters gonna grift, right? Nice choice of names for the characters…..I was wondering if Vinny’s cousin might show up.


  4. gepawh says:

    Enthralling! I will admit to laughing about how quickly she tossed him aside, (I’m not dying for that sob) clever made for tv take on the prompt!


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