What a lovely child you have Mrs Crane
He’s so precocious, well behaved needs little to entertain
How is he as your son, did he go with you to Aspen
Does he sleep well when the day is done
Or is he restless as a bear Wall Street run

I find him more joy then not Mrs Raindrop
But there is three things my three year old must stop
He burps out loud, gets food on his clothes
And last night he publically said a four-letter word to no one he knows
I must socialize the little Joe

I too had an issue with my son Mrs. Crane
But as he grew older his compulsions seemed to wain
No longer causing discomfort or torrid of bane
Truly a twenty something gentleman all the same
But it did take some time, somewhat in vain
For me to socialize and finally train

But now years have gone for me Mrs Raindrop
When my grandpa turned sixty five just like Aesop
His fable was flipped from bottom to top
What old is new he would finally swap
The years of driving on hot blacktop
He now has regressed from whence a start

It seems we all go full circle as did my Gramps
He now burps out loud, food gets on his pants, and clothes
And last night he publically said a four-letter word 
  at no one he knows
They put his car under house arrest
Until he takes a senior safety drivers test 
He wears black socks, Sketcher white tennis shoes as dress
Stickers on his car on places he visited out west
Talks loud and repeats his sentence in the process
What’s old is new full circle… I guess

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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5 Responses to WHAT’S OLD IS NEW

  1. This is a great verse, and sums it all up:
    When my grandpa turned sixty five just like Aesop
    His fable was flipped from bottom to top …
    He now has regressed from whence a start


  2. pales62 says:

    WOW – as usual – not to mention, clever and inventive.


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    Life is bittersweet! There are some joys about being able to act young again, but it’s also sad to know that we’ve reached that point so like our childhood!!! Enjoyed your wordsmithing!!


  4. JackoRecords says:

    This week’s prompts had me thinking about the circle of life. You’re born into a cauldron of disfunction and somewhere along the journey, you try to become socialized. You achieve a level of politeness that carries you forward for the next forty or fifty years. Then, you become an old man and revert to your birthright … being a knucklehead.


  5. gepawh says:

    Full circle indeed! Clever take on the prompt.


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