Facebook Foibles

Post: I saw a man-eating alligator at the club restaurant last night.

Comment 1: Oh no, was anyone hurt?

Comment 3: I knew it would happen eventually. There are alligators in all these ponds.

Comment 4: I know someone who saw an alligator crossing the street last week. They migrate from pond to pond.

Comment 5: People keep feeding them…stupid!

Comment 6: People need to stop feeding and taking pictures of the alligators! They’re not pets!

Comment 7: I know. People here are obsessed with alligators. Get a life.

Comment 8: Something needs to be done. These animals are dangerous. Call animal control and get rid of them all.

Comment 9: Drain the ponds!

Comment 10: It’s Florida people – duh – there are alligators here – get used to it.

Comment 11: Don’t hurt the alligators! Shame on all of you, these are God’s creatures.  

Comment 12: Agreed. Maybe they should drain the bars from drunks and not the ponds for alligators? Drunk driving is much more dangerous.

Comment 13: Get off of it – prohibition is over – remember?

Comment 14: I’m not in favor of getting rid of the bars. I enjoy the atmosphere.

Comment 15: Save the bars!

Comment 16: We’re all here to have fun. Life is too short.

Comment 17: Yes, enjoy the time you have left and don’t worry so much about everything.

Comment 18: Good advice.

Comment 19: Oh yes, life is all fun, fun, fun until someone gets hurt or killed by a drunk driver. Shameful.

Comment 20: Stop all the haters!

Comment 21: My husband’s granddaughter was killed by a drunk driver.

Comment 22: Sorry for your loss.

Comment 23:  Condolences.

Comment 24: The loss of any life is so sad.

Comment 25: So sorry, drunk driving is an epidemic.

Poster: Oops. I typed wrong. Sorry. I meant I saw a man at Destinations eating alligator. I thought it was an interesting menu addition.

Comment 26: Wow, I’ll have to try that. Great idea.

Comment 27: I hate the food there anyway, who cares.

Comment 28: We just ate there the other day, it was good. Didn’t have any alligator though.

 Comment 29: I never eat there, don’t like the food. Waste of money – the board should get rid of it.

Comment 30: No, we like eating there. If you don’t like it – stay home and eat.

Comment 31: It’s 50/50, sometimes good or bad.

Comment 32: If it’s not going to be good, it’s a waste of our assessments.

Comment 33: People complain too much – relax.

Administrator: Please proofread your posts so there are no misunderstandings.

Comment 34: He made a mistake. What is this – Nazi Germany?

Comment 35: Cancel Culture!

Adminstrator: The post comments have deleted by Administrator and the post was deleted.  

About suzanneruddhamilton

I write anything from novels and children's books to plays to relate and retell everyday life experiences in a fun-filled read with heart, hope and humor. A former journalist and real estate marketing expert, I am a transplant from Chicago, now happily living in southwest Florida to keep warm and sunny all year round. You can find me at www.suzanneruddhamilton.com
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2 Responses to Facebook Foibles

  1. pales62 says:

    Like the way you set it up. It had me laughing (painfully). Very clever and most enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. talebender says:

    I know this is original, but it’s so accurate, it could have been lifted directly from a Facebook thread. Nicely imagined!

    Liked by 1 person

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