Strange voices echo disaster
What in the world were they after
Thirty-four bodies were buried alive
as the jets make their strike from the sky

War once again had arrived
The General had chosen his side
There was not a doubt, this would be all out
with their plan of attack to destroy

Israelis warned of the cost
A lot of their boys would be lost
They couldn't afford, to dull the quick sword
by doing away with surprise

The LBJ call all his aides
To the Four-Star consensus he gave
Americans are safe, from an Israeli strafe
we'll continue to track their plans

Strange voices echo disaster
What in the world were they after
Thirty-four bodies were buried alive
as the jets made their strike from the sky

The ship's hull that read GTR
was ordered to travel not far
Communications were slow, McGonagle didn't know
he was moving into a battle rage

The combatants again tried in vain
To persuade their long trusted U.S. Friend
No order could be gave, sending Jews to the grave
with a ship broadcasting their moves

McNamara's response like a previous one
"We will not silence your gun"
But Egypt will choose, our friendship to lose
if we don't assist with their plan

The maneuvering was about to commence
in response to their own self defense
We'll finalize the plan, when Moshe Dayan
gives the word to silence the ship

The pilots were all suited up
the order was given in rough
 Liberty was dead, the memorandum was read
This strike would save more lives

Take down that small Post flag
Run up the Garrison flag
The bridge ensign cried, no confusion would arise
as to who this ship did belong

Then came racing out of the sky
two Mirages on one passing ride
ID'ed the boat, from the colors afloat
 still proceeded to make the death run

When the two finished their job
two more arrived and lobed
Napalm at the boat, still remaining afloat
superstructure now was on fire

To finish the final attack
Torpedo boats arrive in a pack
The killing tubes, had aim that was true
Twenty-five saw instant death

The Ensign registered surprise
He thought they were our side
Then he realized, as men around him died
they were to be sacrificed

Strange voices echo disaster
What in the world were they after
Thirty-four bodies were buried alive
as the jets made their strike from the sky


About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Using a poem like this would be a great way to teach about a historical event. It’s not easy to translate prose into verse and you’ve done a great job. The refrain of ‘thirty-four bodies were buried alive’ is haunting still.


  2. talebender says:

    I love the driving rhythm of this piece, accelerating as wartime engagements (I imagine) often do.


  3. gepawh says:

    Poetic version of a great tragedy! Communications are essential, in all ways and all things!!


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