Rain of Terrier

Edwin hatted living under the new kink. The monark tweeted his subjects cruelly with know reguards for there wellbeing. The kink’s farther was a niece monark who luv’d his people and did all he cud to make there lives batter. His sun cud car less about them.

One day, during a servear reign storm the old kink wuz struk buy litening. He war a mental suite of armor and gut fryed. The sun tuck wat happened too his farther as a sine from God. That’s when the rein of terrier began. The new kink wuz only interested in power and control. He begun putting his subjeks in jail for knot respecting him.

Fortunately for Edwin, the new kink’s rain didn’t last two long. Edwin’s kink wuz killed buy the kink next door. They fort a dule for the luv of a princes and the bad kink loast.

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6 Responses to Rain of Terrier

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very funny….I congratulate you on just getting it in print. It’s hard to write—sort of like translating to a different language!!


  2. There’s a lot of kinks like this governing us.


  3. He did all he cud to make there lives batter. His sun cud car less about them
    So the sun dung hat to party digest a fist stomach of rum and ants?

    Cud Edwin eschew a first stomach? Cud he was a rum and ant? Cud he hat what he dung?
    Know, the sun hat to party digest .


  4. gepawh says:

    Quite the humorous tale. I am watching a show that involves the aristocracy and I have a sinking feeling that they think we speak, exactly like this. Nice take on the prompt.


  5. talebender says:

    Well done! Reading it aloud almost sounds like some people actually talk! 😁


  6. leeroc3 says:

    Did you draw your character study from today’s politics? Sir prizing ending. I wud have prefurred another fried nite. But at Lee’s the dab king lust.


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