Hello, from Miami Beach!

I’m writing this email to you kids from my cabana on South Beach. Well, I don’t have to tell you it’s very warm and sunny. After all, it’s the Sunshine State. 

They just brought me my third Mai Tai. What a nice treat. The place is all inclusive, which means you get all the food and drinks you want- free! Isn’t that the greatest. Oops. I typed in “fod” for “food” and a little red line popped up. Ha, Ha! There is again, but I did it intentionally this time. Thank God for the spell check. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if we didn’t have that? 

We might even have an unnecessary war if the wrong spelling occurred. Can you imagine if Kennedy typed a message to Kruschev as we blockaded Cuba- “We can’t allow your missiles in Cuba. You better furn your ships around”. “Furn” might be a hateful and demeaning word to the Russians. I suppose Kennedy had his people read things twice. Luckily we don’t have to worry about spelling issues today.

I’m getting a bit drowsy here while I sip my drink and listen to the wives rolling in.  The suds are relaxing and I don’t think I can make it without a sap. I want to nest up before super. I plan on eating my full of chimps and lice. My eyes are getting fired and it’s time to pine off. I just did a quick check- no red lines ear except for the “furn” thing which was interventional. 

Thank Gob for the spill chick. I’ll hit the bend now and be off for my nip. 



About leeroc3

I am a psychologist by trade. I enjoy excursions into the mind. I have only written professional reports and research articles in the past. I find the freedom to explore and investigate through writing to be exhilarating. An even greater challenge is to learn to work with technology. I will attempt to please the electronic Gods and enter the world of the future. Many of my writings have already focused on the tensions we face in a changing world. Good luck to us all.
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5 Responses to Hello, from Miami Beach!

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very funny take on drinking and spelling! Bravo!!


  2. Dear Hot Dab,
    In Arabic, furn means oven.
    The Spill Chick


  3. gepawh says:

    Very funny. Kind of reminds me of the comedian Norm Crosby, as Brad suggests.


  4. talebender says:

    This could be a wonderful monologue for a skilled comedian! Nice work!


  5. wordsmith50 says:

    Loks like Dab really taken advantage of the flee dinks!


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