In the mountain pass, the helmeted shielded Valkyrie rides into night
The noise of Rota's spear grew loud, the coat of mail grew tight
The unsaddled fiery white steed comes to collect the battle dead
Choices made by the shielded maiden as who will cross the river bed

The crushing wind with blizzard speed the raven's beak is gory
The harmful skag will weave and choose, who's to die in glory
Shield yourself, survive the strife escape the blade of bane
She'll ride past the night to quickly fight, the chooser of the slain

Victory woman made a decision, today is not the day
Serving honey laden mead instead of a watery shallow grave
She'll move on further down the line, cries are heard beyond
 the walls of granite that will elicit "the elderly is gone"

Walk gently, gather all possessions, say goodbye to fears
The ride will not be long or hard for your seventy-seven years
Tears have made the battle wet with mourning what's to be
The fight is over, you're going home, now for all to see

But as the ride takes someone other than my daughter
The journey death for the mother moves past the river's water
The joy of not taking the ticket to ride and passing on my lass
Was tempered by the shadow of another love one to pass

I filled the pipe to ease the strife help journey through tomorrow
I drifted back with shades of black looking down above my sorrow
While on my knees the Valkyrie cried as she rode past the room
"Not today will I stay and take what parted from your womb"

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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  1. gepawh says:

    I read this with the same feeling I get, when I hear Gordon Lightfoot sing a few of his songs. Very lyrical and penetrating.


  2. As a fan of Nordic mythology, all I can say is Wow. A concise, visual, accurate, and poetic snapshot of the Valkyrie Rota.
    I’m particularly fond of the ironic rhyming of the raven’s beak is gory/who’s to die in glory
    and the line: The joy of not taking the ticket to ride.
    Perhaps, She does have a ticket ride, though, and she don’t care!


  3. talebender says:

    You have a real knack of writing in heroic terms about things we take for granted… this case, death. As I read this piece, I couldn’t help but think of Covid as the Valkyrie.
    Well done!


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