The Perfect Date

The beaming sun stretched its smile, enveloping the lake. Ripples danced across the surface in aimless joy. A slight breeze sweeps in tidying comfort. Two swans sing an operatic melody. Harmony abounds, extravagantly undisturbed.

It was the perfect setting for romance. Add in a basket full of wine, bread and cheese and a full symphony of lilting melodic wonders playing the soundtrack for love in the band shell. I even saw a butterfly go by. Neal left no stone unturned to create a beautiful first date.

He was attentive. He was kind. He was generous. It was everything I could have asked for and more than I expected from a date on

I went into online dating with a lot of skepticism. This site asked every question except my blood type and promised to use their groundbreaking algorithm to find my perfect match. Well, it worked.

Neal and I had everything possible in common from the choice of wine and type of music to books, politics… and on and on. We talked for hours about every manner of topic from travel and wines to architectural styles and classical music preferences. He was a simply perfect match. Yet I sit in this perfectly wonderful setting with this charming man across from me and all I can think of is… “Meh?”

It was pleasant, but I was not attracted to him in the slightest – not at all. I don’t understand it. He was smart, good-looking and funny, but that spark, the joie de vivre, just wasn’t there.

I dreaded the end-of-date kiss like the plague. Everyone puts so much emphasis on the fireworks of the first kiss. But if there are no embers the entire day, the pressing of lips together can’t create a fire. They’re not flint. Unfortunately, I was right. It was like kissing a friend or relative; it was just pressing lips, nothing more.

That night as I cozied into a cup of hot tea and my romance novel du jour, I started to think I expect too much from a first date or any dates. In all these novels I read, its instant chemistry. They either hate each other or love each other at first site, then sparks fly. Of course, it’s fiction, but after a lifetime of reading books and watching sappy movies, I think I’m programmed to believe in love at first site and happy endings.

Maybe the perfect person is the wrong fit. Opposites attract, right? Maybe you need someone who’s your exact opposite and makes your blood boil to get your gears running. Neal was too perfect. Instead of Prince Charming, maybe I’m more of a dashing rogue girl. Where do you find them? Is there an

Well, for right now, I know where to find them – right in the pages of this book. But first, I need to cut the cord. Even if my happy ending isn’t easy, it will never happen on a computer.—delete account.

© Copyright 2021, Suzanne Rudd Hamilton

About suzanneruddhamilton

I write anything from novels and children's books to plays to relate and retell everyday life experiences in a fun-filled read with heart, hope and humor. A former journalist and real estate marketing expert, I am a transplant from Chicago, now happily living in southwest Florida to keep warm and sunny all year round. You can find me at
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2 Responses to The Perfect Date

  1. I love the way you set the table, so to speak, for the great first date.
    Great lines that say so much more than surface story:
    “…playing the soundtrack for love in the bandshell. ”
    “The pressing of lips together can’t create a fire. They’re not flint.”
    “Maybe you need someone who’s your exact opposite and makes your blood boil to get your gears running.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. pales62 says:

    There is no perfect date, but no matter. Liked your piece mutely!


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