A young couple started on a long journey to their ancestral home. They hadn’t been there in decades and were most anxious to rekindle old friendships. They were driving during a dark night, on a deserted country road, around midnight.

The wife of the driver said nervously, “Why do I have to inform you yet once again that I am totally freaked out and very scared of the dark and the silence. Why did you choose this god-forsaken road?”

He abrutly replied, “Why do have to bring up all your garbage? Stop fretting! We’ll get there very soon.”

Suddenly the car’s headlights illuminated a pretty young girl in a white gown, at the side of the road. She stopped them by frantically waving her hands. The man stopped the car, got out and asked her what she was doing on this dark road in the middle of the night. She replied, “I got lost.”

He helped her into the car and started up. They asked her many questions, among them,” Do you need anything? Water? A blanket? She refused to answer any questions, but informed them that her name Sara. They told her that they were visiting their old home and that she was welcome to rest there.

After some time, they reached a spot where a horrible accident occurred several months before. Suddenly the woman exclaimed, ‘I’ve heard many rumors about this place.” She asked Sara, “Have you heard anything?” Sara replied, “Oh, all those rumors were about me! I died here in a car accident two years ago?”

The police found a camera in the wreckage with a recording that showed two dead bodies. They later found out that there was a third body – a girl, but they never found her body? The police investigation continued and later discovered that the missing body was Sara. 

She died in the accident in the exact place that the couple who were driving the car died!

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4 Responses to THE JOURNEY

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    You have an interesting introduction—a seemingly nice visit to an ancestral home with a typical married couple griping at each other, and then it turns into a ghostly story unexpectedly and a tragic ending! I’d like to know where this road is because I do not want to get on it!!!


  2. gepawh says:

    I agree with Brad, and Patti! You’ve painted the opening scene of a scary tale!


  3. talebender says:

    Would love to know more about Sara’s backstory! I liked the spooky mood and setting, too.


  4. I love a good ghost story. I think this one deserves a whole lot more detail! Like an entire book!


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