Nana di Nandingo committed a number of murders while sleep-walking! She killed in a ritualistic manner. The corpses were always found in a clearing, spread-eagled over a huge, white wooden cross. The right thumbs were clumsily removed from each victim.

The irony is most peculiar. When awake, Nana was a famous detective. She had the chore of solving the crimes she committed! There was no explanation for her dilemma. Nana knew that the human mind could be the most horrible and gruesome item of all. She was well-aware that sooner or later she would ironically have to solve the murders she committed. It was an incredibly unique and frightening scenario. 

Awake she could recall most of the details of each murder she perpetuated, how and when they occurred, but not why they were posed in this macabre way nor why she removed the thumbs.

Nana cleverly thwarted the investigation for years while continuing to solve other infamous crimes. But how long could this go on? The pressure of her duplicity became unbearable. She finally confessed everything to her sister, Gaga. At first Gaga would not believe such a bizarre tale, until Nana produced the severed thumbs of her victims.

Gaga said, “We have to destroy the evidence of these macabre crimes!” But Nana could no longer endure the torture of knowing about her murderous alter ego. She wrote a detailed confession, complete with vivid details which Gaga reluctantly brought to the police. Every cop in the city was flabbergasted and in shock. After much deliberation, the police commissioner, Aldous Kosinski, had no choice. He made the confession public and issued an arrest warrant for Nana.

When the police arrived at her house, they found Nana’s dead body in exactly the same pose as her victims!

As Kosinski stated to the press, “I’ve been in the police business for thirty-five years and never have I witnessed such a ridiculous and bizarre set of circumstances! To say I am totally shaken is a true understatement. This is total horror!”

Nana was interred in the di Nandingo family plot. Few people attended other than a smattering of reporters. Gaga threw herself on her sister’s grave. exclaiming, “If only she had destroyed the thumbs!”

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4 Responses to

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I believe you have found Nana’s evil twin sister. I’m guessing she will be able to come back from the grave. The thumbs are intriguing…hope there’s another story to explain that.


  2. pales62 says:

    Awwww, flattery will get you everything!


  3. gepawh says:

    Wow! I agree with Brad on the premise, an excellent one. “Thumbthing” tells me this isn’t the last we’ve heard of Nana! Well done!!


  4. talebender says:

    What an interesting concept…..a detective investigating murders she herself has committed! Nicely conceived.


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