“THE SCREAM” Revisited

“The Jews are here. The Jews are here”
as brown shirts don their jackboots
Meander through the helpless Jews
  strike early for the Reich

Helpless face, we soon displace
 For betterment of all mankind
The cattle cars transport the scares
 Civilization remains cold and blind

You go here, you go there
a painful nightmarish dream
The gas employed, the fire destroyed
Six million heard the scream

What we taught, the pain forgot
plays out on an East side Manhattan plaza
Calls for death, "drive them into the sea"
The hatred has been re-cycled

The plague spreads rapidly throughout
Restaurants, parks and casual walks
Are froth with threats and danger 
As diseased assailants look for easy prey

Shrills ring out from the House chamber
“We must destroy, this Mid-East ploy
bring back the crematoriums”
as they put on their jackboots

From 1600 Penn Ave indifference prevails
The Catholic rube, discards the coup
announces Fox News is a shrill
As attackers run free in their zealotry

“The Jews are here. The Jews are here”
as black shirts don their masks
with a PLO flag, wrapped like a rag
“Never again” comes the battle cry. 


About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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3 Responses to “THE SCREAM” Revisited

  1. gepawh says:

    I agree that hatred for the Jews rears its ugly head again. But I have always contended that it is since God chose them, the owner of this world, targets them!


  2. talebender says:

    “Never again!”??? We shall see. This is an ominous warning.


  3. JackoRecords says:

    The rise in anti-semitism worldwide in particular the US. NEVER AGAIN…With 120 active nukes, I wouldn’t screw with Isreali.


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