Will anyone read this note or find my bones of interest
The story I have to tell, only be described in inches
My travels began with small steps, then steps that grew much quicker
The home on the hill with the white picket fence destroyed by the vicar

Life in the burbs was squashed by libertine classes
An attempt to remediate the faux ills and redefine the masses
Cities burned, aspirations burned with dissolving of the dreams
Nothing left but dystopian mask wearing screams

Education now froth with falsities, science moved to a Galileo heresy
Redefine the meaning of meanings, up is down, down is … who knows today
A class of elites compete to let the proletarians see and read approved dialogue
The Pope has given absolution, ignores unborn and continue the Eucharistic smog

A decision was made by a colony of souls to move beyond the mayhem
Like sailors of old we moved to change and find a new Bethlehem
Not with a pilgrim ship but a rocket launch on pad 39…thank you Elon Musk
For months, us forty-five souls traveled, vectored to the planet with the red crust

At first there was an atmosphere, collegial with well-defined deeds
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
But tribal jealously prevailed, some needed more than had ability
A ruler ascended and proclaimed work will set you free, no freedom just servility

As would be the case as with the Roanoke colony, we soon were lost and devolved
Our primal instincts, puerile needs, selfish impulses solved
No food was planted, no water generated, no spiritual god engaged
We collapsed as humans, then as primates, as tempers became enraged

Will anyone read my note or find my bones of interest
Should the darkness of the red planet be lifted and pursue our indifference
if not taken seriously by my note, please reengage with these four words
Only one last chance for freedom to resurface and rein

About JackoRecords

Published Baby Boomer Songwriter. Heavy lyrics and prose and story telling ala Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Jimmy Webb.
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1 Response to DISTOPIA

  1. talebender says:

    I love this tale, so poetic, yet so disturbing. I share your dystopian fears, even while wishing it were not so.


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