Nana was a professional grifter with great skills. She cheated hundreds out of money by small-scale swindling. She was an exceptional con artist and a scam artist par excellance.

As she became more and more successful she needed a place to store her ill-gotten booty. Enter Ada, a hoarder of epic proportions. She never threw anything away. Her home was a massive storage warehouse of junk. For Nana this was a perfect place for her purpose. No one would even try to search this morass for anything, much less for cash.

They met at a bar in New York and hit it off immediately. Nana knew Ada’s house was the perfect place to hide the dough. Ada hid the dollars in every conceivable place. When Ada ran out of space, she purchased freezers (with Nana’s money). Money was frozen in food packets labeled peas, hamburger, etc. Perfect!

Inevitably problems arose. When Nana looked for her money, she could never find it. Ada refused to let her go through the miasma of junk or throw anything away. Ada maintained it would mess up her system of saving.

Nana decided Ada had to go, but before she could act, she was arrested, tried and sentenced to several years in jail. When she was paroled, she rushed to Ada to retrieve her cash. It proved to be an insurmountable task. Ada was living like a queen among the clutter – on Nana’s pelf. Nana knew that trying to recoup her losses Ada had squandered was a fool’s errand.

A frustrated Nana pulled a stub-nosed 38 out of her jacket and shot Ada twice. Ada rolled over and Nana fired again, killing her. She then went systematically through every item of accumulated junk, but could not find one red cent. She even defrosted the freezers. Nothing!

A New York detective had followed Nana as soon as she was released from prison. He wanted to find the money he knew she grifted. The break came, when he followed her to Ada’s. His suspicions were aroused by the number of times she made these visits. He finally entered, noticing the monumental amount of trash.

He confronted Nana.

In frustration, Nana shot herself dead!

Later Ada’s body was found in one of the freezers; in her frozen hand a packet, labeled green beans, contained $500.00!

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  1. gepawh says:

    Ada and Nana, the ultimate dream team. I look forward to more!


  2. talebender says:

    After reading this, I scoured our freezers for green beans…..nothing! Maybe Ada got here first!


  3. pales62 says:

    I received no pelf for writing this!


  4. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love your Nana stories!! And Ada….was that the famous MILs name?? I’m so glad you used ‘pelf’—I haven’t seen that word used much since I taught literature!! The freezer scam is a good way to keep money but I’m sorry there was only $500 (that we know of so far—I predict a sequel).


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