Bats in the Attic

Huddled together in a neglected bedroom, we were eight-year olds on a sleepover. In the attic, not a bedroom downstairs. The mattress sagged, dust flittered in the moonlight like bugs, and the redolence of cigarette-infused mustiness clung to everything.

Our adventure in the periphery of an ordinary house begged an extraordinary story—something creepy. Like bats. My prematurely bald father had recently swatted a roosting bat from nearby eaves.

“Do you know why Dad is bald?” I whispered conspiratorially to my cousin. ”Bats ate his hair.”

Horrified into tears, she ran down two flights of stairs. I remain unforgiven.

About Patti M. Walsh

A storyteller since her first fib, Patti M. Walsh is an award-winning author who writes short stories, novels, and memoirs. Her first novel, GHOST GIRL, is a middle-grade coming-of-age ghost story based on Celtic mythology. In addition to extensive experience teaching and counseling, Patti is a Hermes award-winning business and technical writer. Visit
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6 Responses to Bats in the Attic

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like the term ‘neglected bedroom’—it could mean a lot of things (and could be a title for a new story). And those saggy mattresses were pretty common back in the day!! Attics and bats are a great scene for a scary story!


  2. talebender says:

    Attic settings always promise something weird or terrifying, and you delivered.


  3. leeroc3 says:

    I always was puzzled by that stuff that floats about, mostly unseen. What the heck is that?


  4. leeroc3 says:

    I always was puzzled by that stuff that floats about, mostly unseen. What the heck is that? I want the kids to grow up, become scientists and discover that the stuff is some strange life form from another planet. But that is for the next sci fi story.


  5. pales62 says:

    Always knew bats ate hair. Your cousin and you were right on (more you). A humorous good one…


  6. gepawh says:

    Funny! You create great anxiety, and end it with beautiful humor!! Well Done.
    PS- I can almost smell the “cigarette infused mustiness that clung to everything!”


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